Brian Peasland wrote:
> Daniel Morgan wrote:
>>Yes Oracle documentation has got me again. Here's the problem.
>>Oracle on W2K SP4
>>Operator altered.
>>Ok so we know the operator exists and is valid
>>Then we try to comment it with.
>>SQL> COMMENT ON OPERATOR contains IS 'Returns 1 if True, 0 if False if a
>>string or number contains a
>> different string or number';
>>COMMENT ON OPERATOR contains IS 'Returns 1 if True, 0 if False if a
>>string or number contains a diff
>> *
>>ERROR at line 1:
>>ORA-00966: missing TABLE keyword
>>So we know the syntax listed at otn:
>>"The COMMENT statement can be used to supply information about an
>>indextype or operator. For example:
>>Ordsys.TextIndexType IS 'a number indicating whether the text contains
>>the key';
>>doesn't work.
>>A trip to metalink only shows a single document under ORA-00966
>>that has nothing to do with commenting operators.
>>Has anyone ever done this successfully? If so ... how? Thanks.
>>Daniel Morgan
>>(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
> There are two different types of operators. You have operators that work
> with ConText, i.e. ORDSYS, and you have operators that work on regular
> old predicates. You created the latter. But it appears from your error
> message that you can only create comments on the former.
> Cheers,
> Brian
I'm not incorrect in my attempted usage. Objects of type OPERATOR stored
in OPERATOR$ are all there is ... and user_operators is the window into
created opertaors and user_operator_comments the window to the comments
about them.
If no one has any more ... it is time to open a TAR and let someone
inside Oracle sweat this one.
Daniel Morgan
(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
Received on Thu Mar 11 2004 - 18:26:10 CST