- "ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:GetThreadTimes failed" Causes Instance Crash
- "start with" non using index
- #prompt('p_division','string')#
- (.NET) retrieving BLOB from Oracle via proc
- <NCA>Force FORMS to use object name instead of ID.
- [C.D.O.S][Long...] How a DBA should handle a load-average-spike?
- [c.d.o.s][Long...] SHMMNI choice affect SHMMAX choice?
- [C.D.O.S][Long] How to deal with full file system? Best Practice?
- [Long...] How a DBA should handle a load-average-spike?
- [Long] How to deal with full file system? Best Practice?
- [ora10] Cloning database, Unknown command 'DATAFILE'
- [ora10] Yet another cloning question
- a database has very high accumulated CPU time for CKPT
- A query to return row counts of all tables in cat
- A question on Distributed transactions in oracle 8i
- a simple PL/SQL question about getting a list of values to output parameters
- access to v$ and dba tables for user
- Accessing data before commit
- Agent patchset install on AIX
- Agent 10g RAC installation confusion
- all of oracle references in one site ready for download
- Anyone come across "Following on-commit snapshots not refreshed" in the alert log?
- Anyone want my dedicated server?
- Are occi statement objects persistent?
- arrrgh Why Java over PL/SQL
- ASM -- Is it Mirrored Stripes or Striped Mirrors
- Auditing policies
- Autoincrement without a sequence
- Backup Strategy - Multiple schema database
- built-in function to transform a singular string to plural
- C/C++ interface
- call Crystal Reports from Oracle Forms 6i
- cannot delete
- Cannot set listener status to off to archive file
- Capture an application's ad-hoc SQL like MS SQL Profiler
- CASE expression
- change database character set
- Character mode report in 9iAS
- Checkpoint Not Complete
- Client problem
- Cloning database, Unknown command 'DATAFILE'
- Commented-out lines in Production
- Compilation error in old code migration
- compress while exporting file on Window using winzip
- connections - netstat
- conventional path export with direct=y
- Converting a 'select' into dynamic SQL
- count(*) - sample block
- cpu usage
- Create directory as '.......'
- Create object in other schemas?
- Creating database manually on raw partitions in Windows XP
- current users enquiry
- database link name
- Db block size
- dbms_scheduler.purge_log not working
- Deadlock detected when doing "ALTER USER"
- declare variable in trigger
- Deferrable Constraints
- Delete of child-entry locks father-table
- design question
- determine if DB is in a DataGuard config
- Different connect strings needed for RMAN and sqlplus?
- Different explain plans for a query on SQL Plus and PL/SQL
- Differentiating results of SELECT query
- Display CLOB content on AL32UTF8
- dllhost.exe
- Documentation on the OraInventory invemtory.xml?
- does 10g effectively retire Shareplex?
- does oracle support two phase commit protocol
- Does oracle support WMI?
- DR plan
- Drop a table via synonym
- enable tracing from .NET application.
- encrypt Chinese or Japanese
- Error in invoking target 'install' of makefile '/u01/app/oracle/product/'
- ERROR ORA-01779:cannot modify a column which maps to a non-key-preserved
- Error with OCI8 driver installing sendmail/javamail
- Exception in In-Line Function
- exp direct=y
- External tables - Determine changed source file
- Fetch cursor vs. TEMPORARY TABLE scrolling
- Figures to monitor
- Files not found in Oracle 9iAS
- Find out the name of Oracle DB on a solaris server?
- Fishing forum
- Flashback query and ORA-01555, rollback segs
- formatted text output from pl/sql
- Forward Declaration in Pkg Body
- Generating SQLServer style GUID in Oracle 9
- got an .ora file with errors
- group functions
- HASH ANTI-JOIN, FTS and sequential reads
- hello everybody
- Help Dumping a Block
- Help me read my statspack report
- Help Migrating: Solaris 8.0 supporting a Oracle 8.17
- Help on query
- Help reading my report.txt
- Help with constraints
- Help with query
- Help with query order
- Help!! Even stranger query...
- Help: How should I live with 'literal' application
- Help: Who takes my memory away?
- hi alll......How can i connect to oracle9i db and fetch the data from specific tables using shell script
- how bad are these vulnerabilities?
- How to Alter DUAL table to change value
- how to delete duplicate tuples???/
- How to drop/delete/remove histograms? (CBO Column stats)
- How to improve query performance with ,,connect by" clause?
- how to scan text in column and use to join to another table
- How to sum up values into a 419(!!) columns wide Table
- how to use clob
- how to write query for this purpose
- how would you do it?
- http://www.dbahub.com
- i have resolved it
- IA64: Oracle 10g R2 DB installation (runInstaller) error
- imp table ( overright previous data )
- Import flat files to Access using PL/Sql
- import to different user with the new correct grant doesn't work
- importing a split oracle dump into windows environment
- Index based database?
- Index on External Table
- INSERT with WHERE???
- Installing ASM...
- Installing only SQL*Plus on XP
- Interview questions for Oracle database administrator
- Introducing pitchbuster.com - Bust those sales pitches against Oracle
- is index better option here
- Is this feasible?
- Is this group still alive?
- isql viewer
- java
- Java classes
- java_pool_size
- Join selectivity is 0 causing bad cardinality estimates.
- Joins
- Key Compression vs. Selectivity
- Key Compression vs. Selectivity)
- Life beyond DBA....
- Limit to MaxEngine in Oracle 10g
- Listener Status Output
- Load Java classes
- locally managed tablespaces and free space
- log file sync , log file parallel write
- looking for a subject to start in oracle
- Media for Oracle on RedHat Linux
- Merge partitions
- MERGE statement not working with use of hints
- MetaLink article on GLOBAL_NAMES
- modelling IPv6 as a number
- More on the UNDO MANAGEMENT default from Oracle
- Move along foks ... nothing but spam ... nothing but spam <g>
- Multi Master Detail form in Oracle Applications
- Multiple regression in Oracle
- multiplexing control files
- Musings on 'new' OFA standard
- national character set and database set
- Need help
- New fishing forum
- Newline in raise_application_error()
- non-AQ messaging question
- OCI prefetching does not work for scrollable cursors
- On AIX, blocksize an DataWarehouses
- Online Databse books
- Online Dataspam books
- opiino: Attach failed! error=-1 ifvp=00000000
- ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
- ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object start1.st
- ORA-12535 Problem
- ORA-1555 snapshot too old: why?
- ORA-28547 error for the second connection
- Oracle 8
- Oracle 9i AS Installation problems
- Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition
- Oracle 9i RMAN backup status
- oracle and disk sub-system
- Oracle and Linux
- Oracle AQ can't propagate messages
- Oracle Chaining
- Oracle equalivent of a Sybase's ISQL for Select Into Trick
- oracle installation on laptop with 232MB RAM
- Oracle job question
- oracle ODBC Driver Connect window appears frequently
- Oracle Parallel Query
- Oracle RAC installation "shared raw logical volume"
- oracle service always at starting mode
- oracle stored procedure progress
- Oracle Text question
- Oracle Transparent Gateway
- Oracle Unit Testing
- Oracle versions
- Oracle XE: no APEX!
- oracle9i
- OracleXE is garbage
- Password Management and Database Security
- Performance Issue
- Performance Predictions - How to?
- Performance Problem
- Performance Problem (8i)
- PL/SQL / javascript injection - checking for
- PL/SQL: Clearing a Collection
- PL/SQL: dynamically determining parameter names and values
- PMON Problem : server process without user process
- Privs of RESOURCE role not showing up
- Problem.
- process in the gv$session when connecting from TOAD.exe to Oracle
- Puzzles on SQL/Oracle
- query needed very urg.
- Querying environment variables
- RAC VIP related question
- RAC+RMAN fails on AIX 5.2 ML7
- RAC, ASM, and SQL-BackTrack.....
- Recovery performance of standby databases
- recovery without restoring backup
- Recursive query help
- Recycling the listener
- Reformatting GUIDs
- Remote OS Authentication in Oracle
- Retrieve list of n largest tables in a db
- Return limited rows from a table
- RMAN Backup. restore to other machine
- RMAN retention vs. netbackup retention
- Select into problem
- Service don't start db
- Setup two listeners on a machine
- SGA Utilization
- Sharing data between Oracle and SQL Server
- Size of files. Can you estimate?
- SQL - Time Specific Daily Query
- sql command to list all databases in the oracle server
- SQL Performance Help
- sql server transparent gateway
- SQL to list a user's packages and its procedures
- Sqlldr and Oracle 10g
- sqlplus "command not found" connecting with ssh
- statspack comment is needed
- switching to 'direct path read' should help prevent thrashing buffer cache ?
- sysdate
- Table with object column, errors 22913 and 22912
- Tables using triggers/procedures
- tablespace reorg
- Temporary tablespace growth
- testing
- The 5-minute interval in sys.smon_scn_time table
- the dread factor and working with multiple vendors
- the script to start listener in /etc/rc3.d/ failed...
- the wonders of automatic sga management
- Theory Questions concerning MVD and Functional Dependency.....
- timestamp and date format
- Tracing Question:
- Trigger on create user
- Uknown query
- understanding stack trace
- UNDO Management Default
- Union query
- Updating oracle net files
- Urgent: Create Barebone 10g DB on a minimum RAM on a server?
- Use Inserted Script Values
- user names are not matching to users in database
- Using REF cursor in method 4 of dynamic SQL
- V$SESSION_LONGOPS sofar/totalwork *always* = 1 in 10g ?
- v$sqlarea.bind_data
- Verify XMLDB ?
- Veritas and 10gR2
- Version Control for Oracle Developer
- Very high 'log file sync' wait time with no 'log file parallel write' wait time
- Wallet Security Issue
- Web service and types
- Webcache error
- What index access path does INDEX_SS yield ?
- What is expected behavior in v$session_longops for simple update
- What occi statements cause exceptions?
- What went wrong with this Function First?
- Where are the XE security patches?
- Where can i find a list of uncommitted transactions or sql statements run?
- which is fast and good output
- who deleted applied archived log in standby database?
- Who took my memory away?
- why undo_management=auto
- wildcard search and full tablescans
- Wow!I found a new super cool online shop!!!
- XML File to CLOB and Display it
- xml queuing
- Your 2 cents to comment on the Statspack report
- Last message date: Sun Dec 31 2006 - 21:37:07 CST
- Archived on: Sun Dec 30 2007 - 06:46:13 CST