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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Webcache error wrote:
> I have a problem starting webcache on oracle 10g AS release 1
> It was working fine but suddenly the server reboot by itself and
> webcache was not loaded.
> the error message says:
> WebCache - failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry
> limit
> I change the port range that webcache uses and increase the retry limit
> by 10. But I got the same message.
> help...
Difficult to tell, as you don't disclose little details like the
platform you are running on, and whether you use other components, and
whether those components (especially OHS) are working.
You are probably aware on Windows you need to start the AS services by
using your own script? Infrastructure database first, followed by dcm,
followed by opmn, finally webcache.
I would look in webcache.log, if you didn't already do so.
Changing the port range without further analysis was probably
completely unnecessary.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Tue Dec 26 2006 - 03:19:20 CST