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Hello All,
I am unable to create database on raw partitions in Windows XP. I have Oracle 9i software installed on MS-Windows XP. I would like to create a database manually on raw partitions in MS-Windows XP. This database is not a part of RAC setup. I have two IDE disks. Disk 0 is the system disk. The other is unformatted. After creating the extended parttion on the second disk, I used the Disk Management to create logical drives of desired capacities and chose not to assign a drive letter.
I copied all the files from from Oracle 9i Disk1\preinstall_rac\olm to C:\temp. I changed the sample.tbl file. The contents of sample.tbl file are:
db01_redo1 \Device\Harddisk1\Partition1 100 db01_redo2 \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2 100 db01_system \Device\Harddisk1\Partition3 400 db01_undo \Device\Harddisk1\Partition4 250 db01_temp \Device\Harddisk1\Partition5 100 db01_control1 \Device\Harddisk1\Partition6 100 db01_control2 \Device\Harddisk1\Partition7 100 db01_spfile \Device\Harddisk1\Partition8 50
I ran this command to create symbolic links:
C:\temp>ImportSYMLinks.exe /f:c:\temp\sample.tbl
DosName: db01_redo1 DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition1
Size: 100
DosName: db01_redo2 DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
Size: 100
DosName: db01_system DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition3 Size:
DosName: db01_undo DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition4
Size: 250
DosName: db01_temp DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition5
Size: 100
DosName: db01_control1 DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition6
Size: 100
DosName: db01_control2 DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition7
Size: 100
DosName: db01_spfile DeviceName: \Device\Harddisk1\Partition8
Size: 50
Links imported from file c:\temp\sample.tbl
ImportSYMLinks completed successfully
The contents of C:\oracle\ora92\database\initdb01.ora are:
db_block_size=8192 db_cache_size=25165824 db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 db_name='db01'
sort_area_size=65536 undo_management='AUTO' undo_tablespace='UNDO' user_dump_dest='C:\oracle\db01\ADMIN\UDUMP'
C:\>oradim -new -sid db01 -intpwd oracle -startmode M
SQL> conn sys/oracle as sysdba
SQL> startup nomount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 185670316 bytes
Fixed Size 453292 bytes Variable Size 159383552 bytes Database Buffers 25165824 bytes Redo Buffers 667648 bytes
When I run this script to create database on the raw partition, I get an error. The scripts is:
SQL> create database db01
logfile group 1 '\\.\DB01_REDO1' size 100M, group 2 '\\.\DB01_REDO2' size 100M datafile '\\.\DB01_SYSTEM' size 400M autoextend on next 10M maxsize unlimited extent management local undo tablespace undo datafile '\\.\DB01_UNDO' size 250M default temporary tablespace temp tempfile '\\.\DB01_TEMP' size 100M
ORA-01501: CREATE DATABASE failed ORA-00200: controlfile could not be created ORA-00202: controlfile: '\\.\DB01_CONTROL1' ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\temp>crlogdr.exe /d1 /p
Oracle Corporation. Copyright (c) 1998. All rights reserved.
crlogdr - Version 1.0
1 102 DB01_REDO1 6 6 2 102 DB01_REDO2 6 108 3 401 DB01_SYSTEM 6 210 4 251 DB01_UNDO 6 610 5 102 DB01_TEMP 6 861 6 102 DB01_CONTROL1 6 963 7 102 DB01_CONTROL2 6 1065 8 55 DB01_SPFILE 6 1167 *Free 18339 -- -- 1222
Total Free Space: 18340MB
Can someone please help me?
Best Regards,
Bruce Received on Thu Dec 28 2006 - 07:22:37 CST