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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Capture an application's ad-hoc SQL like MS SQL Profiler wrote:
> I need to see ad-hoc SQL executed by an application whose source code I
> do not have. How can I run a trace which would give me a list of all
> SQL statements (SQL, stored procs, SQL statements inside the stored
> procs, triggers, SQL inside triggers, etc) with bound variable values
> where needed in the order they were executed? That is, I need the
> Oracle equivalent of an MS SQL Profiler trace.
> TKPROF but I am thinking there might be an easier way of doing this.
> It's been days of reading and trying to set this up. Isn't there a tool
> free or commercial that already does that?
> Also, with this DIY way, how can I limit the output of the TKPROF. I am
> not interested in statistics at all at the moment. All I need is the
> SQL text, the bound variable values if there are any, and the start
> time of execution.
> Thanks
sql_trace will do this. The output is a text file (or text files). They can of course grow large. The challenges though are similar to sql profiler files - except you get better info from them.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA on Mon Dec 18 2006 - 17:14:32 CST