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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-1555 snapshot too old: why?
Chuck wrote:
> Oracle
> I got an ORA-1555 snapshot too old today on a export where consistent=y
> was set. The export failed at 6 hrs even though undo_retention was set
> to 8 hours. Querying v$undostat shows that during the time when the
> export was running a total of only 150m of undo was written. The undo
> tablespace is 4g. Why would I get an ora-1555 when undo_retention is set
> plenty high enough, and the undoblks written weren't anywhere near
> maxing out the undo tablespace?
because undo_retention is not guaranteed in 9.2 and therefore cannot be
relied upon. Sad but true.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA on Mon Dec 18 2006 - 17:16:40 CST