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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Retrieve list of n largest tables in a db wrote:
> EdStevens wrote:
> > First, you'll need to specify the criteria used to define 'table size'.
> > Are you measuring by the number of rows? Extents? Blocks? Bytes?
> Hi Ed,
> thanks for your answer. What I mean by 'table size' is the amount of
> data stored (in bytes).
> > Look at the definition of the view DBA_TABLES (or USER_TABLES or
> I've looked at their definition, and I'm now considering the following
> query:
> SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, blocks FROM DBA_TABLES
> Given that I don't need extreme accuracy, I assume that using blocks,
> the results are still indicative enough even in terms of bytes used.
> Will this query work well and is my assumption correct?
> Thanks.
Given that you've already been informed your query won't work quite as you expected converting from blocks to bytes is fairly straightforward:
bytes := blocks * db_block_size
So taking your query and making it work as you expect and having it return bytes rather than blocks:
select t.table_name, t.tablespace_name, t.blocks*p.value bytes
(select table_name, tablespace_name, blocks
from dba_tables
order by blocks desc) t,
(select value
from v$parameter
where name = 'db_block_size') p
where rownum <21;
David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 23:47:22 CST