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Thank you for the help.
I appreciate it.
hpuxrac wrote:
> <f:chukcha> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I need to get over 2000 records from a table and then page through them
> > and display 20 records at a time in my application. What is better: to
> > CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE AS SELECT run the query once and then
> > somehow scroll through the temp table OR declare a cursor and FETCH
> > through the records 20 at a time?
> >
> > Is there a simpler "pure" SQL approach to this problem without using a
> > FETCH?
> >
> > I try not to be tied to the Oracle way of doing things. My company will
> > be moving to service oriented architecture soon and the architecture
> > team is pushing me not to use oracle stored procedures. There is some
> > talk about migrating from oracle to some other db...
> >
> > What are my options?
> >
> > Thank you in advance
> Pure SQL approaches that don't know "what" database you are actually
> working with don't tend to perform well. I would look at an oracle
> procedure with a thought to eventually replacing it if needed
> eventually.
> Tom Kyte at has this subject covered pretty
> well already in questions he as answered ( plus suggestions from other
> people ).
Received on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 18:01:54 CST