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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: PMON Problem : server process without user process schrieb:
> Hi
> I Have a server process with an active session, but no corresponding
> user process. normally, at this time PMON should clean up the session
> but it did not!.
> I don`t understand what happened in the database internal, i`m
> confused!
> I execute this statements :
> SQL> select s.status, s.sid, s.process, s.machine, s.taddr, p.spid
> from v$session s, v$process p
> where s.paddr=p.addr
> and s.sid=42
> /
> -------- ----- --------- ---------- ---------------- -------
> ACTIVE 42 1194 ESCOERP2 C0000000DFB40EF8 1196
> (oraprod_at_ESCOERP2) > ps -ef|grep 1196
> oraprod 9067 4340 1 11:00:36 pts/4 0:00 grep 1194
> oraprod 1196 1 0 08:33:49 ? 3:08 oraclePROD (LOCAL=NO)
Until now i don't see anything unusual
> (oraprod_at_ESCOERP2) > ps -ef|grep 1194
> oraprod 9067 4340 1 11:00:36 pts/4 0:00 grep 1194
Can you explain, what are you trying to do here?
Or, with another words, why 1194 is better than for example 42? I
personally like the number 2.718281828, does it mean, i should often
grep for the process with such number?
> SQL> select * from v$transaction t
> where t.ADDR in (select s.TADDR from v$session s where sid=42)
> No row select.
> The session remained on the database and don`t clean by PMON.
Which session ? The session with Oracle SID 42, Oracle process id 1194
and unix process id 1196? Why should it be cleaned by PMON ? Maybe, PMON
don't like to "clean" ACTIVE sessions?
Best regards
Maxim Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 02:42:09 CST