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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: java_pool_size wrote:
> hi all,
> Like for db_cache_size, we have db cache advisor and hit ratio. Do we
> have any thing to java_pool_size.
> Please tell me how to decide what is the good java_pool_size for the
> database, because most of the application are on java in my new org.
Do you mean that most of the application is server-side Java, or is it client-side Java? If the latter, then java_pool_size is irrelevant. Otherwise you will need to estimate the size of the Java pool by using your knowledge of the application footprint. 50-70mb for large applications is a good starting point in many cases. Java pool is only used for shared Java stuff, like class methods and static variables; regardless the number of sessions memory from the pool is not consumed unless new classes are loaded. If the application will hit ORA-4031 errors, you will need to increase the pool size until they disappear (you can't do it dynamically, so if you can't restart the instance all too often then start with larger pool and monitor its usage in V$SGASTAT.) Hth,
Vladimir M. Zakharychev
N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)
Received on Thu Dec 28 2006 - 23:54:01 CST