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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: the dread factor and working with multiple vendors
hpuxrac wrote:
> Do you want to be threatened by people who on this forum try to
> repeatedly assert that only having 1 vendor to work with is better than
> multiple vendors?
> You might want to read this recent post
On a related note, MY experience is vendors of so-called 'database neutral apps' *invariably* will blame either the third party maintaining the database (us, usually) or Oracle. They will never admit their shrinkware won't run efficiently on Oracle *ever*, as it has been developed for sqlserver. Some vendors are so cautious of some third party maintaining a database with their front-end they actually disallow that third party to do anything.
So, yes, having to deal with less parties is usually a *good thing*, as most parties never acknowledge *they* are responsible for the problems customers are facing!!!
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Thu Dec 28 2006 - 15:10:49 CST