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Jun wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am using Oracle 9i and I am new to Oracle job, I created a procedure
> called 'CLEAN'
> and I used the following procedure to test my job.
> create or replace PROCEDURE TESTING AS
> JobNo user_jobs.job%TYPE;
> dbms_job.SUBMIT(JObNO,'begin CLEAN; end;', sysdate,'SYSDATE +
> 1/1440');
> commit;
> END;
> it should run the job every minute but seems it is not working. what's
> wrong with it?
> and How can I set the job to be run every 4 hours between 8am and 8pm
> everyday?
> Any help or example would be highly appreciated.
Obvious questions:
You did verify the job actually appears in dba_jobs?
You did verfiy job_queue_processes is non-zero?
For the second question upgrade to 10g and start using dbms_scheduler.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 00:20:36 CST