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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Help Migrating: Solaris 8.0 supporting a Oracle 8.17
In article <>,
<> wrote:
>We have Solaris 8.0 supporting a Oracle 8.17 database (with 6i Forms
>and 9i OAS). We use korn shell scripting and Perl scripting as well. We
>are moving this entire environment to a new datacenter, as well as more
>than likely upgrading all OS and AOS versions
>What version of Solaris is the best to migrate to.
Oracle 8.1.7 runs fine for me under Solaris 10.
I have not tried 6i Forms with 9i OAS but they probably work fine too.
>What version of Oracle is more stable (your best opinion)
Oracle 10gR2 seems quite stable,
Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 12:04:31 CST