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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: cpu usage
i dont understand why you are behaving aggressively. I dont agree with your ideas about me, there is nothing personal here. This question is not same with the before question. You can think the opposite , i respect.But i also can think this way , and post messages , this is fair. I want to hear people to see whether the path i follow is correct or not and newsgroup can be used for this purpose. Do you control messaging styles in newsgroup ? If you dont like my message , you can ignore can't you? Or if my messages are irritating , then moderators can warn me then ban me, and i cant post anymore. Otherwise , people can share information , and i believe no one has the right to categorize other.
sybrandb wrote:
> I think, you are, as usual, NOT reading responses, and NOT following up
> advice provided, but instead continue to impose arbritary criteria on
> your system.
> Could you please explain why you are asking for advice here, if you
> already intend to ignore all advice that doesn't suit you,as you
> *think* you know the 'solution'?
> You also have the irritating habit to repost questions using different
> nicks, could you please stop doing that?
> Finally: I you don't intend to accept advice, please don't ask for
> it!!!
> --
> Sybrand Bakker
> Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Wed Dec 27 2006 - 16:47:48 CST