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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Differentiating results of SELECT query
newbert ha escrito:
> Alright, I found a solution to my own problem. This works, but it is
> very slow. Does anyone has a more graceful solution?
> SELECT locations_s.address as start_address, locations_e.address as
> end_address
> FROM rides, locations locations_s, locations locations_e
> WHERE locations_s.location_key = rides.start
> AND locations_e.location_key = rides.end
> AND rides.ride_key = '8'
I cannot see why it is 'slow'. Could you provide the EXPLAIN PLAN? What about table sizes, PK's, FK's, indexes, statistics? (Not to mention SO, Oracle version etc, etc...)
Carlos. Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 03:49:40 CST