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No.. I dont feel tackled. It is nice of you to vent out a "sincere" opinion on the list, except I did not want your opinion :-) I also did not want you to say "It is a nice list". I just want you to read it and if you dont find it meaningful, hit the delete button.
Given the number of subscribers in this group, a large number of people are likely to find this useful and I am sure the other large number will hit the delete button.
"Michel Cadot" <micadot{at}altern{dot}org> wrote in message
> <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> | Stop cribbing Michel. Be constructive.
> | Post if you think you have a better list. I am sure people would
> appreciate
> | that.
> | No one is interested in your opinion about whether the list is good or
> not.
> | I am sure every smart person on this group can figure it out for
> himself.
> | It is easy to criticize to someone/something.
> | Last words for you. "Grow up!"
> |
> | Cheers,
> Sorry if you felt tackled. It was not my purpose.
> I just thought you want a sincere opinion on your list.
> I didn't understand you just want we say you "Oh yes it's a nice list".
> In addition, I don't have and need an interview list, I just talk and
> approach the points I posted. It's enough to see anyone's level.
> Regards
> Michel Cadot
Received on Sun Dec 10 2006 - 12:58:26 CST