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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
I had met a question. The oracle database will crash after about every
five days. The "pmon" had detected the DBWR was terminated suddenly. I
am very dismayed, because according to the other threads said, most of
this issue was due to the Oracle Bug.
Is there any routines to figure out this error "ORA-000471"? Is this oracle bug, or system configuration fault?
The version of oralce is Release
The version of platform is Linux 2.4.20, MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Carrier Grade Edition 3.1 .
I had try my best to resolve it and unfortunately did not achieve nothing.
You can refer the fllowing information. Your strong help and support is a great treasure to me for certain.
Dump file /db/ORAdbs/admin/DB01/bdump/db01_pmon_637.trc
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
ORACLE_HOME = /opt/ORAdbs/oracle10g
System name: Linux
Node name: oamce-2
Release: 2.4.20_mvlcge31-cpci735
Version: #1 Wed Nov 1 08:06:15 CST 2006
Machine: i686
Instance name: DB01
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 2
Unix process pid: 637, image: oracle_at_oamce-2 (PMON)
Old character set id was US7ASCII
New character set id is US7ASCII
error 471 detected in background process
ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
Fri Dec 29 03:41:12 2006
Errors in file /db/ORAdbs/admin/DB01/bdump/db01_pmon_637.trc:
ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
Fri Dec 29 03:41:12 2006
PMON: terminating instance due to error 471
Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 637
Fri Dec 29 03:47:15 2006
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
KCCDEBUG_LEVEL = 0 Autotune of undo retention is turned off.
Dynamic strands is set to TRUE
Running with 1 shared and 0 private strand(s). Zero-copy redo is FALSE
LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0 SYS auditing is disabled
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
Best Regards
Du shaoqiang
FSD TAC Received on Sat Dec 30 2006 - 03:13:46 CST