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On Dec 8, 3:41 pm, "EdStevens" <> wrote:
> Oracle 10.2
> Doing a little reading on the fine points of GLOBAL_NAMES.
> We typically have the init parm DB_DOMAIN not set, and GLOBAL_NAMES =
> FALSE. I notice when we create a db_link, we get the given link name
> appended with REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM, so I went looking for
> where that particular value comes from. Found MetaLink note 395896.1
> Now it gets really interesting -- not where the assigned domain name
> came from, but the MetaLink note itself. The subject is "What
> Determines the Suffix used when Creating a DBlink". I don't want to
> risk violating my usage agreement by quoting too heavily, but it states
> that the "goal" of the article is "to explain why does the database
> link have a suffix like REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM"
> But then it doesn't. It just goes straight to the "Solution" section,
> explaining how to change the value after the fact. Solution? I didn't
> know there was a problem. I just wanted to find out the "why" of a bit
> of arcane information in the bowels of the database.
> So, since the MetaLink article doesn't really "explain why does the
> database link have a suffix like REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM", can
> someone else? I'm not looking for why db_links and global names might
> have a suffix. I'm curious about why Oracle would force one (and that
> value in particular) in the absence of a DBA supplied value.
> OK, it's a slow day here, and I'm at a dead-end waiting for Unix Admin
> and Storage Admin what to do now that they've built me two database
> servers without any disk space for the database.
Just submitted the following feedback to Metalink:
This document is very misleading.
What it does fail to explain is the global_name is made up of the
db_name and the db_domain, and the first element (before the first . )
in a global_name is treated as the 'db_name' and the rest of the
global_name is treated as the 'db_domain'
The db_domain is automatically appended to any database link. *This* is what the document should have explained!
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Fri Dec 08 2006 - 09:03:54 CST