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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle 8 wrote:
> HI,
> I have got oracle 8 server edition with me , will i be able to run it
> on a xp standard machine?
Oracle 8 what? 8.0.something? 8.1.something?
"server edition"? There was Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. Never heard of "Server Edition"
"xp standard"? Again, never heard of if. There *is* XP Home and XP Professional.
But, all of the previous questions are academic. No Oracle 8.anything was certified against any of the versions of the at-the-time-still-unwritten Windows XP. Will you be able to run this mysterious version of Oracle 8 against the mysterious version of Windows XP? Doubtful, but perhaps. Questions of the nature of "will this work?" are usually best answered by trying it. If it does work, great. If it doesn't work -- well, again, Oracle 8 was never certified for XP and is long out of support -- so you'll be on your own.
Why Oracle 8 in the first place? If you're using it for personal education, just go to and download the latest 10g. If it's for business use, you need to pony up the money for a license and get a supported version on a supported platform, just like you would with any product your company depends on.
> Has anyone worked with sqlloader in oracle 8? I just want to know
> wether it works or not
Do you expect it to not work? Try it and see. Of course it works when properly used on a certified platform. Of course it will probably not work when improperly used on a non-certified platform.
> Thanks
Received on Wed Dec 06 2006 - 07:53:52 CST