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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: oracle service always at starting mode
Charles Hooper wrote:
> Vladimir M. Zakharychev wrote:
> > skyloon wrote:
> > > hi,
> > > I've created database in oracle 8i, after created database, the service
> > > was started, after i restart the pc, the status for this service is
> > > always Starting, it cant start and stop. Is there any setting need to
> > > be done?
> >
> > Isn't this 8i at version 8.1.6 by any chance? I've seen this behavior
> > of on Windows 2000 and later, not sure if there's any fix for
> > it in, but worth trying. The patchset is still available on
> > MetaLink. 8.1.7 doesn't exhibit this bevavior afaik. For now, your only
> > option seems to be shutting the db down from svrmgrl or sqlplus before
> > restarting or shutting down the OS to make sure the database is
> > properly closed and dismounted. If you absolutely have to run 8i,
> > consider upgrading to at your earliest convenience, otherwise
> > skip a couple of releases and go with 10g R2 (10.2).
> >
> > Hth,
> > Vladimir M. Zakharychev
> > N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)
> >
> I believe that 8i, including 8.1.7, on Windows will perform a shutdown
> abort by default if the service is shut down, as would be the case when
> the system is restarted. Oracle could be trying to recover from the
> shutdown abort. This behavior is detailed in one of the Oracle 8i
> manuals that is specific to the Windows platform. The fix involves
> changing a registry key.
> Paraphrased from the Oracle 8i Administrator's Guide for Windows NT:
> To enable automatic shutdown of the Oracle service when the server is
> shut down, set the ORA_SHUTDOWN and ORA_SID_SHUTDOWN registry entries.
> Set the ORA_SID_SHUTDOWN to 1 to handle the shutdown in immediate mode.
> PSKILL, part of the PSTOOLS utilities (recently acquired by Microsoft)
> can terminate a service or other task that refuses to respond to nice
> shutdown methods, but I would advise against using it on an Oracle
> service.
> Charles Hooper
> PC Support Specialist
> K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.
In order to even connect to an unmounted instance, the associated OracleService must be started. It is a separate process and container for the required oracle process/threads to run. It can be started and the database can be down. If the service is really hung, the database can't be open. It is required to be started prior to connecting.
Make sure the paths for all the dump files and alert logs exist. This can cause a "Hang".
I'm only recommending using PSKILL if the service can't be stopped via any other means, as seems to be the case here. There is no reason to use it otherwise.
If it is hung, it has to be shutdown aborted anyway. There is nothing special about the Oracle Service relative to any other service. It is simply a container. PSKILL is the best kill tool out there. I would not advice using anything else.
What would you recommend doing in this case where the controls are "greyed" out?
Also, since this database is newly created, what is the risk? Received on Tue Dec 19 2006 - 22:08:32 CST