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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Performance Issue
Jerome Vitalis wrote:
> Charles Hooper wrote:
> > starting point. If you do not expect to use Java, set the Java Pool to
> > a small value, such as 1MB.
> Just out of curiosity: any reason why you wouldn't set it to 0 in this case?
As I recall, 1MB was the recommended value for the java_pool_size in "Oracle Performance Tuning 101" by Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha, if Java is not in use. You may also find other authors making that suggestion:
Note that in 10g, the effective granule size can actually set the java_pool_size to 16MB, even if it is specified as 1MB in the init.ora or spfile.
Was it a limitation in some versions of Oracle that the java_pool_size had to be 1MB at a minimum, or was this recommendation just protection against the rogue developer who suddenly finds that Oracle supports Java? The answer is likely out there, somewhere.
Charles Hooper
PC Support Specialist
K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.
Received on Sun Dec 03 2006 - 10:10:38 CST