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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Does oracle support WMI?
Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to do some remote monitoring in some Oracle servers. I have an
> application wich reads the WMI classes and all SMNP data avaiable.
> In windows servers I am thinking about WMI, but I dont know if oracle
> supports it. And what about SNMP and Oracle in linux servers? Any idea?
> Do you know any good documentation about oracle and WMI
> Can you help me ?
> Best Regards,
Well, you certainly can use WMI for things that fall within its ambit such as "is my Oracle Service up?" and so on, but you'd be writing your own code. It's pretty straightforward to do - I've done it - but bear in mind it's really a service and machine level architecture, unless you want to write your own wmi provider based on sql queries.
As for SNMP well the fact that the db monitoring user is called db snmp without the space might be a clue. Check out for the details.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA on Sun Dec 24 2006 - 15:46:06 CST