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"Robert Klemme" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'd like to bounce off some thoughts of you to verify that my basic
> reasoning is correct.
> The general rule of thumb for indexing is to put the most selective
> columns first in order to foster fast lookups. (Of course there are
> other considerations involved, which single index covers most queries
> etc.)
> So at first sight it would seem that index compression and this rule of
> thumb exclude each other because index compression has most benefits if
> there are multiple rows per compressed prefix which is more likely to
> happen if less selective columns are put first.
> Thinking a bit further about this, key compression starts to save space
> if there are at least several rows /on a block/ that share the the same
> prefix. In other words if the most selective column(s) is / are not
> unique and still has several rows per value key compression will yield
> space usage (and thus potentially speed) improvements.
> Thanks
> robert
The "most selective first" has always been a little flexible (at least since 6.0 appeared) and your basic reasoning is correct.
A couple of references you might want to look at:
(see the item on index compression) and
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis Author: Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ on Fri Dec 15 2006 - 06:15:54 CST