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Re: sql server transparent gateway

From: prunoki <>
Date: 3 Dec 2006 13:13:46 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Mladen Gogala írta:
> On Sat, 02 Dec 2006 14:14:07 -0800, prunoki wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Any of you using transparent gateway for microsoft sql server? I would
> > be interested in your experiences. Would you recommend using it to
> > migrate data from sql server to Oracle? We have an application
> > developed for SQL Server which we would like to migrate to Oracle and I
> > am looking for a way to get the schema and the data over to an Oracle
> > 10 database. Triggers and stored procedures will be moved by hand and
> > tailored individually.
> >
> Oracle has a utility called Migration Workbench which I have used the last
> time with SQL*Server 6.5 (a very, very long time ago) but the results were
> great. It created permanent temporary tables in the place of SQL Server
> ones, it has even rewritten exec-sql into PL/SQL and has created sequences
> for all identity fields. Naturally, all tables and the data in them were
> also moved. Of course, translating that into Oracle exposed the design
> that was somewhat less then optimal. Same data was stored in several
> tables, in columns with different names, without any mechanism to keep
> them in sync, there was no naming schema, some tables didn't even have the
> primary key, which was mighty strange for an OLTP database. I left the
> company before the mess was cleaned, so I don't know the end of the story.
> Morals of the story is that while the tool to move the MS SQL database was
> efficient, the application itself was a total junk. Even if that wasn't
> the case, each database has its own spirit, and what is acceptable for MS
> SQL is totally unacceptable for Oracle. One such example are connections.
> It is completely acceptable for MS SQL to have multiple database
> connections per user, it would be totally unacceptable for Oracle
> application to have 5 connections PER USER. Moving data, triggers and
> structures is one thing, moving an application from MS SQL to Oracle is
> something else. Usually, application should be thrown away and re-written.
> I want no stinkin' VB code in my shop, no sir!
> --

Thanks guys.

I will check Migration Workbench to get the schema over as the first step. Modify the stored code to compile. Second, use Transparent Gateway and PL/SQL to get the data over to a schema already prepared on the Oracle side. Modify and test the application (PHP generating HTML).

When migrating the clients I will import my empty schema and use transparent gateway to move the data from MS SQL.

Of course this is just a rough description.




Krisztian Received on Sun Dec 03 2006 - 15:13:46 CST

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