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On 11 Dec 2006 10:47:07 -0800, "enrique" <> wrote:
>It has been a long time since I've written a C++ program that
>interfaces with Oracle. What are the current features available to me
>from Oracle?
OCCI is the C++ interface to Oracle - see the "Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide".
There is also OCI, which is the C interface, see the "Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide". This is the lowest level of all the interfaces, and so exposes the most features - some of which aren't supported in OCCI, so there's some advantages to using OCI even in C++ programs. But you can get OCI handles from an OCCI object though, so you can even write hybrid code that uses the object-oriented OCCI for most of the system, but calls OCI for the more obscure features.
There's also Pro*C and Pro*C++, but personally I'm not very keen on these (they use a precompiler step to convert custom directives to boilerplate code... but there are limitations).
-- Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis toolReceived on Mon Dec 11 2006 - 13:20:18 CST