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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Help with query
Michel Cadot wrote:>
> Here's another query which works even if the interval
> between 2 rows is not 10 minutes:
> select begin_time,
> last_value(end_time)
> over (order by begin_time
> range between current row
> and interval '1:59:59' hour to second following)
> end_time,
> sum(undoblks)
> over (order by begin_time
> range between current row
> and interval '1:59:59' hour to second following)
> undoblks
> from v$undostat
> order by begin_time
> /
> Regards
> Michel Cadot
I like it. Is there a good source on Analytic Functions other than the Oracle documentation? Some of us dunderheads have trouble following the little charts and need examples to understand what is going on. Received on Thu Dec 07 2006 - 13:52:26 CST