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Oracle-L: by subject
- Kurth, Michael J. (Thu Mar 20 2003 - 04:14:02 CST)
- Sujatha Madan (Tue Mar 04 2003 - 20:34:19 CST)
- Joe Testa (Tue Mar 04 2003 - 18:34:49 CST)
- Brian Dunbar (Tue Mar 04 2003 - 16:20:15 CST)
- Scott Stefick (Tue Mar 04 2003 - 15:05:08 CST)
- "Is Anybody Out There" - Pink Floyd
- "SQL*Net message to client" Wait event with no SQL*Net connec
- "SQL*Net message to client" Wait event with no SQL*Net connection
- (no subject)
- *Oracle DBA with 8i, OPS, and some SQL Server exp. needed-Los
- 10046 Trace file waits
- 2 servers 2 DB with SAN, here's my config
- 32 bit and 64 bit memory
- 32-bit RMAN Catalog and networker interoperating with 64-bit
- 64 bit shared library
- 8i databases under 9i listener?
- 9000x faster than Oracle?
- 9i - Which Patchset
- 9i Database Best Practices by Guy Harrison
- 9i OCP Upgrade Exam - Again
- 9i RAC - GFS
- 9IAS connections to database not resolving
- 9iAS Hardware Questions
- [Q] any one have XML to plain text style sheet under ORACLE ??
- [Q] need benchmark info. for ORACLE seerver?
- [Q] some questions relate to ORACLE 9i Forms !!
- [Q]terminating instance due to error 601
- _filesystemio_options=setall
- ``SQL*Net message to client`` Wait event with no SQL*Net
- a DIFFERENT sql question
- A SQL Question
- Ab Initio, Unix Scripting, and Datawarehousing
- Access Internet Web pages from SQL or PL/SQL
- access to oracle $ tables in 9.2.0
- Accessing LOB
- advanced replication knowledge resources
- AFTER database logon trigger keeps sessions open
- age out/ flushout sharedpool
- AIX 5L - what is it?
- AIX question
- alert log file
- alter system dump logfile ... question
- Amt of Training to be considered "up to date"
- Analyzing indexes
- Another Question on Authority and Security
- Any tips to installing Designer 9i?
- Anybody using QlikView BI tools?
- Anyone looking fora Developer/DBA in Wash DC area?
- Apache and mod_plsql
- Archive of all our postings at BlackSheepNetworks
- audit_trail=db Overhead ?
- automatic segment-space management and pctfree
- AW: Backup Strategy
- AW: can't create database
- AW: Cannot delete datafile from O/S -- Help !!
- AW: Database Modeling- Normalization - Dinosaurs or What?
- AW: From Microsoft Access to Oracle
- AW: help -- ora 600
- AW: How to run sql*plus and its command in Windows as batch job?
- AW: Problem with netasst & dbastudio
- AW: Remove killed session from v$session
- AW: Usage of mySQL in enterprise environments
- Backup Strategy
- backup the tablespace
- Best way to handle data of different setups in same applicati
- Best way to handle data of different setups in same application
- Best way to secure underlying tables in a view
- big disks..OFA??
- Big SGA.......
- Bind variable use in C++ SQL Calls
- BMC Patrol
- buffer busy due to global cache
- buffer busy due to global cache/more...
- Buffer_Pool KEEP
- bulk load of data
- Bypassing startup triggers
- can't create database
- can't create database (NOW WORKING!)
- can't create database [INFO]
- Can't find orazht.msg file
- Can't run full exports due to SMON wait
- Cannot delete datafile from O/S -- Help !!
- cant connect oracle after developer 9i instll
- CBO Tutorial Day - Orlando
- Changing of trigger owner
- Character Set / Encrypted text question
- Comparing strings whilst ignoring some characters
- Configuring Oracle with RAID and OFA
- constraints and optimizer
- copycommit probs
- copying datafile nt4-w2k
- Copying PL/SQL Objects
- core dump for tkprof
- Corrected SQL Question...
- create control file failed
- create database fails on parallel server (linux)
- create interMedia index problem
- Create rollback segment under ORACLE 9ir2 failed????
- daily clone
- Data Capture program
- Data Transfer or Views from SQL Server to Oracle
- Data Warehouse configuration
- Database Modeling- Normalization - Dinosaurs or What?
- Database Scanner - Any good?
- Database sizing and capacity analysis
- Database to DBA ratio
- Database vs File System
- Datafile Resize Question
- Date difference function
- Date format is unreadable
- db
- DB Cloning from 8.1.6 to 9.0.1 ?
- DB crashed with ORA-4030 on DBW0 process
- db create with DBCA and scripts
- db file scattered read
- DB_BLOCK_SIZE and Solaris block size
- db_cache_size and cache buffer chain waits
- db_file_multiblock_read_count + db file scattered read +
- db_file_multiblock_read_count + db file scattered read + truss
- DBArtisan
- DBV Cannot Load Module LIBDCE.A
- DBV Cannot Load Module LIBDCE.A - SOLUTION
- DBXray anyone?
- deadlock problem
- DeadLock: session wait on itself with no rows.
- Dealing with 3rd Party Applications
- Demo of PL/SQL returning a REF Cursor to an OCI program
- determining bytes written to tape
- Disable / enable constraints
- disable ODBC access to Oracle db
- drop table vs truncate table -- performance
- dropped sequence - backup/recovery question
- DSS tools?
- Duplicate online Database
- DW reading for design and implementation
- empty blocks
- enterprise manager console and sqlplus worksheet can't work
- enterprise manager console and sqlplus worksheet can't work afer installed the development tools
- error configuration database oracle 9.2.0 on Redhat
- error configuration database oracle 9.2.0 on Redhat 7.3
- Error SQL 02115 "Code interpretation problem check COMMON_NAME usage"
- error start oracle 9.2.0 on redhat 7.3
- Error while running export backup shell script
- ERWIN vs Designer
- events number and meaning
- Excessive SQL*Net message from client waits
- Explain Plan vs Actual Execution Plan
- explain plans history
- Export data to dbf
- FalconStor and Oracle performance
- fast full index scan
- fgac tracing
- File Restoration/Recovery
- Find out thread in RAC session
- Fine Grained Access Control (FGCA)
- Fixed_date and dbms_job
- Followup to jobs not running
- For -Rachel Carmichael - re Rman recovery...
- Force to use a tablespace
- Forcing 2 Decimal Positions
- Foreign Key Not Found ??
- From Microsoft Access to Oracle
- Ftp command
- Fudging outlines
- Function problem
- Fwd: db_file_multiblock_read_count + db file scattered read +
- Gather_system_stats
- Geneva application
- global cache CR requests and _fairness_threshold parameter
- Good Book for tuning UNIX O/S!
- Good to be back
- Grouping records for reporting
- help
- help -- ora 600
- High consistent gets , 10046
- High current mode buffer gets on insert
- Hot backups
- Hotsos Clinic 101 Feedback
- How do you document your databases
- How Reliable is Explain Plan in 9.2
- how to calculate table size
- How to calculate the working hours?
- how to config my proc precompile environment
- how to confirm the context has been initialized .
- How to delete name service
- How to document a DB
- How to enable Java on ORACLE 9ir2 database???
- How to extract BLOB's into files ??
- how to find elapsed time for a query in oracle 8.1.7 Database
- how to get metalink user name ??
- How to get working hours ???
- how to identify table dublicates just using rowid ?
- How to improve queries remotely
- How to load pictures/documents in oracle
- How to migrate the LDAP data into Oracle 8.1.7 database table
- How to migrate the LDAP data into Oracle 8.1.7 database tables?
- How to run sql*plus and its command in Windows as b
- How to run sql*plus and its command in Windows as batch job
- How to run sql*plus and its command in Windows as batch job?
- how to see errors when precompiling proc program
- How to start with Oracle Financial?
- How to use rPerf to estimate a partitioned server capabilities
- HP OpenView Service Desk
- HP-UX 11i/
- HP-UX Installation questions for 8i/9i on a HP-UX 11/
- HP-UX Installation questions for 8i/9i on a HP-UX 11/11i
- HP-UX Installation questions for 8i/9i on a HP-UX 11/11i on RP7400
- hp-ux question
- I am an idiot - WAS -deadlock problem
- Identifying mult instances on Unix system
- iDirectory
- Ignore post about startup trigger
- Imaginary indexes created when setting CLOBs to null?
- Import data only into existing schema
- Import Problem
- import problem - newbie question
- Import to Oracle9i extremely slow
- Inband and Outband Net8 question
- index ??
- index on null column
- Info on context option
- insert stmt disk reads
- Instructions for transparent gateway..
- Interesting MetaLink note for 9i patching
- Intermedia tag "<" problem
- Is async IO configured on HP-UX?
- Is range partitioning possible on part of varchar2 column ???
- Is range partitioning possible on part of varchar2 column ??????
- Is there any user group forum for SQL Server?
- java script and pl/sql again ???
- JDBC thin driver losing connection
- Job Needed
- keep pool
- Large Export Problem ......
- Listener Hangs
- Listener/Database shutdown sequence
- LMT monitoring
- Niall Litchfield (Fri Mar 21 2003 - 15:15:57 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 16:22:23 CST)
- Niall Litchfield (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 15:34:37 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 02:49:02 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 10:28:59 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 08:39:29 CST)
- Connor McDonald (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 08:23:53 CST)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 06:23:44 CST)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 06:19:19 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 16:21:14 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:39:30 CST)
- Ron Thomas (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:29:30 CST)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:02:13 CST)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 14:54:30 CST)
- Ehresmann, David (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 14:05:16 CST)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:59:13 CST)
- Jacques Kilchoer (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:59:11 CST)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:40:22 CST)
- Daniel W. Fink (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:25:31 CST)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:03:42 CST)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 12:40:03 CST)
- Jacques Kilchoer (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 12:04:22 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:58:57 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:55:17 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:09:58 CST)
- Rachel Carmichael (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:04:22 CST)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 10:14:26 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 08:28:50 CST)
- LMT monitoring)
- Localizing keywords from Oracle's SQL engine
- Locally Managed Tablespaces
- Locking tables in Oracle
- log buffer space
- LPAR on AIX and Oracle Licensing
- lsnrctl -utility, passing password in a command file
- Materialized view restriction?
- max_commit_propagation_delay
- memory for 9i
- Memory taken by s session
- Metalink Oracle Support Improving.......
- Metalink related question
- Metilinx -product!
- migrating and upgrading 10.7 to 11i
- migration
- monitor
- monitor transactions over time
- Monitoring/BA Tools
- Moving an index
- moving away from mainframe
- moving away from mainframeing
- MS SQL hasn't given up!
- Multiple Instances and 9iRAC
- multiple oracle homes
- Need help with a dynamic query
- need help with dynamic sql
- netappfilers
- New DBA.
- New Storage
- nt script
- NTFS on red hat
- Null Event in v$session_wait
- Number of bytes used by number data type
- OCFS/Linux/RHAS problem
- OCI and Visual C++
- OCP question
- ODBC access to Oracle db
- OEM 4
- OEM and monitoring clustered databases
- Off-Topic (Delphi Mailing Lists)
- Open cursors
- optimal set up of tablespaces on disks??
- optimizer_mode=FIRST_ROWS
- ora 12516 ???
- ORA 904 error while importing ??
- ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
- ORA-00445: background process "PMON" did not start after 120 seco
- ORA-01578 data block corrupted on standby
- ORA-03001: unimplemented feature -- When creating BLOB ?
- ora-06512 errors - flushing shared_pool takes care of it - WHY?
- ORA-27100: shared memory realm already exists
- ORA-27100: shared memory realm already exists - status
- ORA-27152--Instance terminated by LGWR ?!
- ORA-600 [12501] Error ??
- Oracle 9.2 - cyclical overwrite of files written with UTL_FILE in
- Oracle bugs
- Oracle 9i RAC on Windows using firewire
- Oracle 9i, a better way to use dbms_space
- Oracle 9iAS Training
- ORacle Applications mailing list
- Oracle Audit for Failure Logins
- Oracle Bug Reports...
- Oracle Client Software Version
- Oracle connection through Crystal Reports
- Oracle Database audit...
- Oracle DB Backups on SAN
- Oracle DB Backups on SAN with
- Oracle DB Backups on SAN with ALTER SYSTEM SUSPEND
- Oracle Developer Kit 9iV2 on Solaris
- Oracle Developer Kit 9iV2 on Solaris - Refined
- Oracle Development Suite for Linux?
- Oracle down, IBM and MS up
- Oracle encouraging Linux software developers
- Oracle Enterprise vs Standard
- Oracle Expert Fails
- Oracle FAQ's
- Oracle Forms & Reports Help!
- Oracle Forms 6i - Does not Display
- Oracle Forms and Reports Services
- Oracle Grid,Streams
- Oracle in the news
- Oracle Internet File System
- Oracle Internet File System -- Oracle Taketh Away?
- Oracle Interview questions for Implementation/Maintenence
- Oracle JDBC thin driver
- oracle job
- Oracle Jobs not restarting after upgrade
- Oracle Licences Req on Intel Xeon CPU
- Oracle Mag Bio
- Oracle Magazine excels itself
- Oracle on a SAN.... Good, Bad or Proceed with caution?
- Oracle Performance Tuning Exam
- Oracle position on hints
- Bjørn Engsig (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 05:48:40 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:55:39 CST)
- Bjørn Engsig (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:00:08 CST)
- Whittle Jerome Contr NCI (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 07:33:57 CST)
- Mark Richard (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 16:44:20 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 16:21:16 CST)
- Jesse, Rich (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:59:49 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:52:55 CST)
- Jesse, Rich (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:39:27 CST)
- Stephane Paquette (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 15:15:54 CST)
- Tim Gorman (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:40:25 CST)
- MacGregor, Ian A. (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 13:25:29 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 12:09:20 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:44:13 CST)
- Freeman Robert - IL (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:24:20 CST)
- Pete Sharman (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 11:04:36 CST)
- Chuck Hamilton (Mon Mar 10 2003 - 09:19:10 CST)
- Jared Still (Sun Mar 09 2003 - 23:53:43 CST)
- Khedr, Waleed (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 22:48:38 CST)
- Grabowy, Chris (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 20:58:42 CST)
- Pete Sharman (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 20:38:47 CST)
- Connor McDonald (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 19:53:40 CST)
- Khedr, Waleed (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 16:08:38 CST)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 13:13:37 CST)
- Nicoll, Iain (Sat Mar 08 2003 - 08:23:38 CST)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 13:29:46 CST)
- Molina, Gerardo (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 13:13:55 CST)
- Pete Sharman (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 12:55:11 CST)
- Jonathan Lewis (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 12:44:17 CST)
- Stephane Paquette (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 12:19:11 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 12:13:57 CST)
- Paula_Stankus_at_doh.state.fl.us (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:43:53 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:39:43 CST)
- Pete Sharman (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:29:23 CST)
- Khedr, Waleed (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:24:47 CST)
- Freeman Robert - IL (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:01:15 CST)
- rgaffuri_at_cox.net (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 11:01:13 CST)
- Stephane Paquette (Fri Mar 07 2003 - 10:04:18 CST)
- Oracle position on hints (talking about bind variables)
- Oracle position on hints -
- Oracle position on hints 9.2.0.X
- Oracle qry
- Oracle REPLACE function and carriage returns
- Oracle Tools
- Oracle Tools - OEM 4.0
- Oracle Tools for Data WareHousing
- oracle version
- Oracle Vs DB2
- OraTechs 2003
- Organizational Challenge - Data Management Team
- OS/390 Oracle Client TNS-3506
- OT - Concerns raised over CSU computer security
- OT - Oracle work in Tampa/Orlando, Florida.
- OT SQL Server 2000 "databases" and Oracle "tablespaces"
- OT: 11i Autoupgrade and IPC
- OT: 11i Autoupgrade and IPC protocol
- OT: Anybody using QlikView BI tools?
- Ot: Budding dba
- OT: determining bytes written to tape
- OT: PLSQL question, JAVA, JDBC
- OT: uuencode adding characters
- OT: Who Owns Unix?
- OTC: Perl Book
- overloading fopen max linesize 7.3.4
- partitioning
- Passing DB-Link name in a Loop
- perl 5.8 access to oracle
- Perl Book
- Perl DBD::Oracle - discontinuing support for Oracle 7 and Oraperl?
- perl DBI question: fetchrow_array
- Perl Use Net8 Encryption?
- pl/sql and java script ???
- pl/sql engine doubt
- PLSQL stored procedure
- POLL by Application Service process taking too Long
- POLL: Database to DBA ratio
- DEEDSD_at_Nationwide.com (Thu Mar 13 2003 - 08:44:04 CST)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Mar 13 2003 - 07:58:56 CST)
- Burke, William F (Bill) (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 18:58:41 CST)
- Chuck Hamilton (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 18:03:51 CST)
- Chuck Hamilton (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 16:45:43 CST)
- Burke, William F (Bill) (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 15:56:43 CST)
- Niall Litchfield (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 15:14:26 CST)
- Spears, Brian (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 15:09:56 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:54:19 CST)
- Weiss, Rick (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:19:22 CST)
- DEEDSD_at_Nationwide.com (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:04:09 CST)
- Weaver, Walt (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 13:51:09 CST)
- Adams, Matthew (GECP, MABG, 088130) (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 13:40:02 CST)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 12:59:10 CST)
- DEEDSD_at_Nationwide.com (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 12:09:09 CST)
- Spears, Brian (Wed Mar 12 2003 - 07:08:43 CST)
- Chuck Hamilton (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 15:29:04 CST)
- Stephane Paquette (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 13:29:51 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:59:41 CST)
- James Howerton (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:59:36 CST)
- david davis (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:47:50 CST)
- Scott.Shafer_at_dcpds.cpms.osd.mil (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:47:47 CST)
- Richard Ji (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:47:44 CST)
- DEEDSD_at_Nationwide.com (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:31:43 CST)
- MacGregor, Ian A. (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:20:18 CST)
- James Damiano (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:20:14 CST)
- Robin Ilardi (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:10:30 CST)
- Spears, Brian (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:04:45 CST)
- Todd Carlson (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 12:00:40 CST)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:34:01 CST)
- Rachel Carmichael (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:29:11 CST)
- Dong, Ping - Raleigh, NC (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:14:08 CST)
- Grant Allen (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:00:06 CST)
- DENNIS WILLIAMS (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:00:05 CST)
- Gene Sais (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:00:04 CST)
- Thomas Day (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 10:44:04 CST)
- Pete Sharman (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 10:44:03 CST)
- Craig Healey (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 10:29:04 CST)
- Ron Rogers (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 10:24:11 CST)
- Chuck Hamilton (Tue Mar 11 2003 - 08:59:21 CST)
- Populating VARCHAR2 with LONG data...
- Problem with netasst & dbastudio
- Problems installing Developer on XP
- Proc*C Errors
- Query rewrite help needed
- Query Tuning urgent
- Question related to security
- Questions about constraints
- Queue_message wait event
- Quick Question -- 8.1.7 logs applied to 9.2.0 database instan
- Quick Question -- 8.1.7 logs applied to 9.2.0 database instance?
- Quick question on cursor resource use
- raw devices
- re : Running multiple instances on a [large] server -- Thanks
- Really annoying
- Record Has been Updated By another user ?
- recovery
- Recovery problem using BMC Backtrack and tempfile
- Red Hat Linux 9 -- Get it Early
- RedHat 8.0
- redhat as/es/ws
- ref cursor
- remota / as sysdba
- remote / as sysdba
- Remove killed session from v$session
- Reorganizing tables
- Replicating Sequences...
- Reports 9i bug: Landscape report direct to printer
- Reports runtime -- install just that or everything?
- Restoring tables
- Restricting the size of a BLOB column
- Revoke user
- rh9 ALREADY?
- Rman and controlfile backups.
- RMAN archive log Back up taking long time
- Rman disk and tape work
- RMAN framework scripts, etc
- RMAN question....
- RMAN resync of catalog to controlfile
- rollback segment
- Rollback Segments on
- Row chaining
- Rownum
- Running multiple instances on a [large] server
- SCN scheme 3
- Script to check for errors
- Script to Turn Off All Oracle Auditing Options?
- Search and replace query and search query
- segment from block#
- Sendmail and Oracle Internet Directory
- Sequence as column default
- Server Recommendations
- Set sambootsma@rogers.com mail to receive no mail
- shared tnsnames.ora
- Sharing data between sessions
- show errors doesn't show anything ???
- Shutdown Immediate hangs
- Shutdown Unix
- Single sign on
- Sizing Indexes - URGENT
- Slightly OT - Networker and 32 bit, 64-bit versions of Oracle
- Slow query
- Slow running jobs
- Snapshot refreshes are failing
- snapshot too old
- Snapshots
- Solaris threads increase Oracle perf 400%???
- Solaris/8.1.7/LOBSEGMENT
- sort ip addresses
- Space or Memory Leak
- SQL Problem - Merging Result sets
- sql query
- SQL Query -- List of managers
- sql query: to_date() :ORA-01830: date format picture ends bef
- sql query: to_date() :ORA-01830: date format picture ends before
- sql question ???
- SQL Reports
- Sql*Loader problem...
- SQL*LOADER question
- Standby errors
- standby on SAN ? or use internal storage
- startup hangs, 8.1.7 on win2000 Pentium 4
- Statistics on SYS?
- Statspack recomendations.
- Steps to migrate 8170 to 9203
- Storage guidelines in 9iR1 ??
- Sun=/var/messages HP-UX=???
- switch logfile vs. archive log current
- Syntax for foreign key
- sysresv doesn't work on AIX
- System tablespace Oracle 9202
- Tablespaces - datafiles
- TAR and Linux info
- temp table
- Temporary Tablespace and RAC
- Test
- Test - Delete me
- TEST -- just ignore
- testing - pls ignore
- Thanx: how to get metalink user name
- the number of concurrent queries
- Threat to Fast exports
- tkprof output
- trace files
- Tricky SQL Question
- Tricky SQL Question -- Solved
- Tru64 CFS - Sun UFS
- Try Again: Outer Join with SUBSTR
- Unable to connect to OMS on Redhat 8.0 server.
- Unable to lock file
- Unix command
- UNIX fstab settings and prealloc command
- Updateable View with Select Union
- Upgrade from to
- Upgrade to AIX 5.2
- upgrading AIX
- Urgent - ORA-03001 Error While creating BLOB in 9.0.1 ?!
- Urgent!!! Web Form and Report
- Urgent: restore from hot backup w/o archivelogs
- Usage of mySQL in enterprise environments
- Using the /*+ append */ insert hint
- utl_file.put error
- utl_file_dir and 9i
- utl_smtp error
- V$ARCHIVED_LOG question
- V$SESSION Details Changed after upgrade Database to
- v$sql ?
- v$sqlarea & v$session
- Value of OCP
- Value of OCP : This OCP stuff never dies, it wakes up at least once per 2 months ....
- veritas backup via RMAN troubles
- Veritas Quick I/O for Oracle
- view to join tables
- Web Report!
- Week - Date function!
- Weekly aggregates
- what did I miss? -- nologging generating redo
- What happened ... no email?
- What is wrong with this?
- What privs are required to alter a trigger owned by SYS?
- What to check?
- what's wrong ,can you tell me ?
- Where's my trace file?
- which index ?
- Which process is taking up so much CPU???
- Who Owns Unix?
- why SAN ? why not external stor
- why SAN ? why not external storage
- why SAN ? why not external storage ?
- win2k system shutdown scripts--suitable for db shutdown?
- WinNT / 8.0.5 / DECODE function affecting Century result in d
- ´ð¸´: backup the tablespace
- ´ð¸´: enterprise manager console and sql
- ´ð¸´: how to confirm the context has been in
- Last message date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 22:38:46 CST
- Archived on: Sun Jul 02 2006 - 02:50:02 CDT