well the last one we had, I learned that I need to teach the sysadmins
to verify that they are not assigning two volumes to the same physical
disk! :)
yea I learn techniques, and things to check and not to panic no matter
who is breathing down my neck to get the database back up....
experience teaches you the general things that can go wrong
- Lyndon Tiu <ltiu_at_alumni.sfu.ca> wrote:
> On March 19, 2003 05:23 pm, Rachel Carmichael wrote:
> > trust me, experience helps you think through a production crash --
> > especially if it crashes in the same way as it did the last time :)
> >
> Did you learn anything from the previous crash to prevent it from
> happening again?
> --
> Lyndon Tiu
> --
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> INET: ltiu_at_alumni.sfu.ca
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