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Oracle-L: by subject
- "Original" IMP transportable tablespace. IMP wants a datafile?
- * Oracle DBA Position Available in Chicago IL
- 11g availability information
- 11g Tablespace Encryption
- 12i Apps on Rac - ASM or OCSF
- 9i RMAN restore to a different server with a backup from dataguard env
- [Q] dbua not display under Redhar AS 4.4???
- [Q] RMAN "set until time" syntax ???
- A really strange one..
- Advanced Security and SSL
- am I reading this SQL correctly?
- Analytics windowing wuth lag/lead?
- announce: Select without replacement (paper)
- Any Oracle Apps DBAs from Canada out there?
- anyone else have problems creating TARs?
- anyone work with Oracle's Orion testing tool?
- AQ
- AskTom on Stonebraker's article
- ASM and SAN Layout
- ASM IO distribution on a SAN
- ASM Lun Size
- ASM Risk / Rewards
- ASSM and tablespace fragmentation
- bind peeking not happen in and cause using default selectivity
- Causes of CF (Control file) Enqueues on Index Creation?
- centos to redhat
- cert matrix
- clearing raw devices
- Cluster installation on linux failing with PRIF-10: failed to initialize the cluster registry
- cluvfy -verbose not very verbal
- controlfiles being updated
- CPU Usage % on 2-Node RAC Run versus Single Node RAC Run .... Benchmarking
- Data Guard: ORA-16534: no more requests accepted
- Data Pump and compression
- Database Vault / Oracle Universal Installer Problem
- datapump anomaly, grants, any ideas
- DBA Job in Charlotte, NC
- DBA tasks by experience
- dbca and ASM
- dbca and ASM - resolved
- dedicated spindles and Oracle
- density calculation when histograms are involved
- Disaster Recovery on Windows
- Domain users -> single sign on -> grid control users
- EM Grid Control-Sql Advisor
- EnterpriseDB as an Oracle replacement
- Excessive child cursors
- export/import partition statistics
- Finding similar statements in database for ORA-4031
- fine grain auditing
- fixing a bad oracle install
- Fwd: license
- Fwd: RAC on windows 2003 - 32-bit - nightmare
- gaps in redo stream
- Hello OCP's.
- Help with an RMAN restore
- high db hit ratio and a lot of waits on db sequential reads
- high Rollback per transaction %: 96%
- How I run a shell script from the scheduler on ?
- How I save Cingular Wireless USD 30M
- How much it will gain to update a temporay table insteand of a permenent table
- How to know the features enable for the current session
- How to process "long" in trigger?
- HP-CFS versus ASM for RAC ?
- ignoreSysPrereqs and Linux installs
- Is Cursor Plan an SQL Trace Execution Plan ? ........... Basic Qs
- Is it dangerous to change the table owner in this way?
- Job Boards
- Kevin Closson's slb.tar (memhammer)
- license
- Listener.log not been updated
- Little off topic, Sybase list
- LOG FILE SYNC wait event
- materialized view creation is hanging
- Migrating 3TB size database from HP to AIX, also 9i to 10g.
- Missing archive logs from middle of level 0 backup - can _allow_resetlogs_corruption help?
- Need a lesson in RMAN for RAC
- Need some ideas, WIN vs. LINUX... Same process on Win takes much less temp space than on Linux
- New Oracle 11g New Feature Post on my Blog!!
- NOT NULL vs NULL column in a fact table
- Object Oriented Databases
- OCFS2 - installation issue .. help
- OCP Exam 1Z0-040: Installation Performance
- OEM Grid Control Question
- OLEDB internal queries - last try
- On 10gR2, Do you trust ADDM?
- Optimizer sees index, but ignores it in access path decision process
- ORA-00230 during RMAN backup
- ORA-00345: redo log write error block
- ORA-03124: two-task internal error - any thoughts?
- ora-1012
- ora-1012 - (may be) solved
- ORA-12560 From Oracle 11g.
- ORA-65535 error
- oracle and vmware ESX
- Oracle backup questions...
- Oracle Enterprise Linux on VMware Server
- Oracle Vault?
- OUI-10091:There are no patches that need to be applied from the patchset Oracle Db 10g R2 Patchset
- Parameterized Views
- partitioning a non-partitioned table
- partitioning options for a system that will add 50 million rows/day
- performance question
- PGA Memory Leak - crashing Server
- PGA Memory Leak - crashing Server (one more)
- PL/SQL cursor NOT closing
- PL/SQL delayed compilation
- PL/SQL Native Compilation on 9i RAC
- Please help - can't restore on Windows
- problem starting oc2b for ocfs2
- Problem with auditing
- project.max-shm-memory
- publish a pl/sql pkg
- Q: Is ORA_DBA group is required for automatic startup after server reboot
- Q:RAC undocmentment parameters
- Question for Australian list members
- Question re dbms_monitor
- Question re ORA-15072
- Quick question for UK-based DBAs about UKOUG Conf.
- RAC & DataMirror
- RAC -- RAW Device Multipath (Shared Storage)
- RAC ASM error
- RAC environment patching and availability
- RAC File System Questions
- RAC for a newbie
- RAC on windows 2003 - 32-bit - nightmare
- RAID 0 Vs Multiple files per tablespace spread across
- Recovery using Rman using old controlfile
- regen TDE master key
- Remote DBA services
- Resized overflow buffer to xxxK (for xxxxK LWN) in trace file
- rman allocate channel suddenly taking forever
- RMAN merging catalogs
- RMAN question
- RMAN question(s)
- RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
- RMAN-05019 Warning Oracle reccommended backup
- RMAN-05019 Warning Oracle recommended backup
- RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 1 found to restore
- RMOUG Training Days Conference call for Abstracts
- Role transition
- same udpate statement takes same cpu time but significant different "sequential read wait time"
- scripts for checking naming conventions (prefix etc) for PL/SQL
- Security on 11g
- Setup of Multiple Listeners on RAC ?
- Solaris 10 Server blocksize
- sort latch usage in MTS mode
- Spanish-language Oracle resources?
- SQL Loader Question
- SQL Optimizer
- Sql Tracing question
- SQL*Plus Client on Windows
- stats$filestatxs
- stats$filestatxs - a query showing IO stats
- stats$filestatxs - a query showing IO stats (without div by zero trap)
- Stream AQ samples
- sum of a column (development question)
- sybase date field to Oracle - sqlldr
- synchronizing database on linux and windows ?
- sys vs. "normal" User
- tde and fga
- The same session run on both instances (RAC), is it normal?
- the state of bugs in Oracle
- timestamp resolution
- Tivoli 6.1 Oracle agent, formerly known as Candle: experiences
- To compile all the views and procedures
- Topic on OCP Exam 1Z0-040: "Installation"
- Tracing an ORA-01410 error
- Training for Oracle Performance tuning
- Training for Oracle Performance tuning (Optimization)
- Training for Oracle Performance tuning - Method-R is easy
- Truncating SYS owned tables
- Tuning TCP/IP
- UCM for DDL/object scripts
- UNDO tablespace issue- the dropped datfaile still shows in v$recover_file
- unsubscribe
- Upgrade to 10gR2
- Urgent RAC private Interconnect
- v$session_longops hash join operation oddity
- v$session_longops hash join operation oddity --addition
- Veritas Clusterware
- Veritas Volume Replicator instead of DataGuard
- Was: CPU Usage.... Benchmarking: Now: Would appreciate some feedback
- Weird database hanging
- Weird database hanging -- OPEN_CURSORS
- WG: sybase datetime
- what's the degree for SELECT /*+ PARALLEL (E) PARALLEL(P) */?
- what's the difference between "CPU I/O Wait" and "db scatter/sqenecail wait"
- Writing text file from PL/SQL block
- wrong expected execution plan
- Wrong index being used ... Basic SQL Qs
- ZFS & Oracle
- ´ð¸´: anyone work with Oracle's Orion testing tool?
- ´ð¸´: fixing a bad oracle install
- ´ð¸´: synchronizing database on linux and windows ?
- Last message date: Sun Sep 30 2007 - 21:17:41 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Sep 30 2007 - 22:30:02 CDT