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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: stats$filestatxs - a query showing IO stats
maybe a useful script for anyone suffering from free buffer waits etc
or suspecting a the performance of their IO sub system....
It gives the stats (from stats pack) for the last 24hrs
select snap_time,
round(sum(delta_readtim) / 100 / sum(delta_phyrds),3) avg_readtime_secs,
round(sum(delta_writetim) / 100 / sum(delta_phywrts),3) avg_writetime_secs,
round(sum(delta_singleblkrdtim) / 100 / sum(delta_singleblkrds),3) avg_singleblkrdtime_secs,
from (
c.snap_time, tsname, filename, phyrds - lag(phyrds) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_phyrds, phywrts - lag(phywrts) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_phywrts, singleblkrds - lag(singleblkrds) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_singleblkrds, readtim - lag(readtim) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_readtim, writetim - lag(writetim) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_writetim, singleblkrdtim - lag(singleblkrdtim) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_singleblkrdtim, phyblkrd - lag(phyblkrd) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_phyblkrd, phyblkwrt - lag(phyblkwrt) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_phyblkwrt, wait_count - lag(wait_count) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_wait_count, time - lag(time) over (partition by b.dbid, filename order by b.snap_id) delta_time from stats$filestatxs b, stats$snapshot c where b.snap_id = c.snap_id and b.dbid = c.dbid and b.instance_number = c.instance_number and c.snap_time > sysdate - 1
On 9/19/07, Nigel Thomas <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Tony Adolph <>
> Can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation for the perfstat's tables, e.g. stats$filestatxs.
> -----
> Tony
> Most of the statspack tables are clones of corresponding V$ views, with a couple of extra columns to hold the relationship to a database (db_id), instance (instance_number) and to a statistics snapshot (snap_id).
> Look into spcpkg.sql (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin, or C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\RDBMS\ADMIN on my XE install). Find function SNAP which actually collects the data. You'll soon see for example:
> v$segstat -> stats$seg_stat
> v$segment_statistics joined to stats$seg_stat -> stats$seg_stat_obj
> v$sesstat -> stats$sesstat
> and so on.
> As well as the v$ clones, there are of course a number of tables used to control the whole process, including:
> STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE - the master for those (dbid, instance_number) columns
> STATS$LEVEL_DESCRIPTION (see table and column comments)
> STATS$SNAPSHOT - the handle for each snapshot (ie each execution of the SNAP function) and so the master for snap_id, recording date, time etc
> STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER - contains a list of thresholds for each database instance
> STATS$IDLE_EVENT - events which are considered 'idle' - ie not contributing to real wait time
> NB - the snaphot tables like stats$sesstat include all three of (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) and stats$snapshot includes all 3 in the PK. That's to make it easy to merge snapshots from multiple databases into a single repository.
> The naming of the stats$ tables is not quite 100% consistent (occasional discrepancies in use of underscores), and in some cases (like stats$seg_stat_obj) some additional data is added on - but you get the idea. So in most cases you can look up the definition of the columns from the corresponding v$ view.
> So stats$filestatxs is populated from v$filestatxs, which you can Google. It records statistics for a datafile:
> create table STATS$FILESTATXS
> (snap_id number not null
> ,dbid number not null
> ,instance_number number not null
> ,tsname varchar2 (30) not null
> ,filename varchar2 (513) not null
> ,phyrds number -- physical reads
> ,phywrts number -- physical writes
> ,singleblkrds number -- number of single block reads
> ,readtim number -- time spent reading
> ,writetim number
> ,singleblkrdtim number
> ,phyblkrd number -- number of blocks actually read
> ,phyblkwrt number -- number of blocks actually written
> ,wait_count number -- number of wait events
> ,time number -- time spent waiting
> ,file# number
> Hope that helps
> Regards Nigel
-- on Wed Sep 19 2007 - 18:19:34 CDT
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