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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: stats$filestatxs - a query showing IO stats (without div by zero trap)
I wrote the following PL/SQL program to extract the LIO per snapshot from
existing AWR Data, and it takes Database restarts into account. You can
modify it to extract anything you want from the AWR easily.....I have
highlighted the pieces that do this. In fact I wrote this originally for
extracting data from STATSPACK and modified it for AWR :)
John Kanagaraj <><
DB Soft Inc (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!)
** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine and do
not reflect those of my employer or customers **
rem Show diff in specific statistic from AWR Data
rem Rewritten for 10g from Statspack
rem JK/Sep 2007
v_lio number; v_begin_id sys.wrh$_sysstat.snap_id%TYPE; v_end_id sys.wrh$_sysstat.snap_id%TYPE; v_begin_time sys.wrm$_snapshot.begin_interval_time%TYPE; v_end_time sys.wrm$_snapshot.end_interval_time%TYPE; v_begin_startup_time sys.wrm$_snapshot.startup_time%TYPE; v_end_startup_time sys.wrm$_snapshot.startup_time%TYPE; l_FileHandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; l_FileDir Varchar2(100) := '/tmp'; l_FileName Varchar2(100) := '';/* This cursor fetches details of the current snapshot plus the next one
using the LEAD function. We will use this to
make sure that there was no DB restart inbetween */
cursor snapshot is
select snap_id, lead(snap_id, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY snap_id),
startup_time, lead(startup_time, 1) OVER (ORDER BY snap_id),
begin_interval_time, end_interval_time
from sys.wrm$_snapshot;
cursor sysstat is
select e.value - b.value
from sys.wrh$_sysstat b, sys.wrh$_sysstat e, v$statname n
where b.stat_id = n.stat_id
and b.stat_id = e.stat_id and = 'session logical reads' and b.snap_id = v_begin_id and e.snap_id = v_end_id;begin
fetch snapshot into v_begin_id, v_end_id,
v_begin_startup_time, v_end_startup_time, v_begin_time, v_end_time;
On 9/24/07, Tony Adolph <> wrote:
> No I didn't, that would bugger up the results as you say :-(
> So the scrips not so generic, but still useful if you suspect you're
> suffering from intermittent slow IO.... or persistently slow IO.
> I'll bear in mind database bounces for version 3 :-)
> Cheers
> Tony
-- on Tue Sep 25 2007 - 11:32:56 CDT