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c.d.o.misc: by subject
- "Capability not supported" ???
- "rename" fails, can I trap the error and try again?
- "views" as a column name
- (no subject)
- .. and for my nomination, I want to thank ...
- 2 yrs SQL know how.. Website hit/reporting/ analysis job 120K KC.
- 7.x ODBC drivers
- [Q] newbie - query problem
- [re-post] import problem
- A pro-C programming question
- Advice on Learning Oracle?
- Advice pls - Migration Workbench crashing (runtime error)
- All Dates
- all frontend applications are hanging sometimes / backend is Oracle 8i
- Alter tablespace add datafile file size error
- Alternate keys.
- Anyone looking for an Oracle Developer
- Append output to file in SQLPlus?
- ASCII export
- ASP stops responding with Oracle
- Auto start of Oracle on system boot
- Automatic record counter
- Basic trigger help
- Becoming an Oracle DBA
- Beginner that needs help
- best third-party tools
- Best way to refresh table from different instance
- Call for Papers: Testing Computer Software Conference (TCS200
- Call local application when using Webforms
- Calling Oracle Stored Function in ODBC
- calling stored procedure mfrom vc++
- Can a constraint use a sql statement?
- Can a server notify a client when something has changed?
- Can anyone explain what is this mean?
- Can anyone help me out of this question.
- Can anyone help me to solve this!
- Can anyone help me!
- Can I install and run Oracle on Windows 98 to do some database programming?
- Can I? Win95, Personal Oracle & D2K ?
- can not log in with Oracle DBA Studio???
- Can we use Oracle 7 client for this situation?
- Can you trigger an automatic WHERE-clause on any statement on a table?
- Can't deinstall 8.1.6
- Cannot run Export from OEM
- care and feeding of triggers
- CGI/Oracle/C
- changing charakters in long-datatypes
- Check constraint
- Check I tOut: New TabExp Versions are available
- Check It Out: TabExp Version 3.5.0 has been released
- Checkpoint not complete
- Cherche cd autoformation oracle
- Clean Your Database or List
- Client's access to Oracle's passwords
- CLOB datatype: insert limited to 2499 characters
- Coalesce problem
- Commit Problem
- compare 2 SQL performance
- Compatibility Mode / JDBC
- Configuring Oracle
- Connect SQL Plus via personal install ???
- connecting oracle8i to developer 6 on win98
- Connecting to a LINUX Oracle 8i Server
- Connecting to Oracle Server after workstation loses power
- Context Cartridge:Searching Reserved Words using Escape method not work.
- Control Structures
- Converting a CLOB
- Converting a SQL Server 7.0 to Oracle 8i.
- converting flat files to oracle tables or unix
- Converting LONGs to NCLOBs
- copy data between instances
- copying LOBs
- Copying table structure programmatically
- Correct way to close OCI handles
- Corrupt block during Backup with Oracle 7.3.4 & EBU
- Create new table as select Help PLease!!!!
- Create Type Body Problem
- Create View from within Stored Procedure?
- Creating a diagram for Oracle object types
- Customised DATE Trunc command
- Database Links
- Database wont shutdown?
- Datafile vs Tablespace
- Date diff
- Date format
- DBA priviledge
- DDL statements in a trigger?
- Default column values
- default values
- Delete deffered transactions
- Designer 6i on Windows 2000?
- Developer 2000
- Developer 2000 vs 6i certification
- do I have to recompile Redhat 6.2 kernel when installing Oracle 8.6
- Does any know Oracle use which TCP Port to connect
- Downloading Oracle7 from technet?
- Dynamic Port Range on HP-UX
- Easiest Oracle Backup and Recovery Tool (Unix)
- Elapse Time in PL/SQL Procedure?
- encrypting data
- Error installing Ias on Linux Mandrake 7.1
- Error ORA-3113
- error when installing 8i client onto NT4
- Excel to Orcale
- Executing a script from Unix shell
- exp/imp simple question...
- export 8i --> import IMP-00010: not a valid export file, header failed verification
- Export Utility for Oracle ?
- export/import questions
- Exporting Data
- Failed Copy command in SQL*Plus
- fetch by array
- File output on the client ?
- For People Taking OCP tests!
- Foreign Key question
- Forms 4.5 / 6 and multi lines items pb
- From Access to Oracle
- frontend application sometimes gets locked / backend is Oracle 8i
- Generating a GUID
- Generating dynamic web pages
- Generic dump to text tool
- Getting Developer 2000 R2.1 to work for Oracle 8i
- Getting GMT Time in Oracle?
- global name in replication
- Good Administration Book of Oracle 8.x
- good sql and oracle book
- Help need on WebDB report layout
- Help needed desperately!
- Help needed with report / query
- Help on creating new database in Oracle 8i
- Help using Table type
- Help wanted re 8.1.6 Personal
- help with dropdowns in webdb
- Help with TNSNames problem with multiple homes?
- HELP! Create Table in stored procedure??
- HELP! Export-00008
- Help! How to insert an empty string without converting to null
- Help! ORA-29541
- Help! Oracle 8i Test Preparation
- Help! Oracle data and Tree
- Help! What causes the message: Input truncated to 9 characters ??
- HELP!Databaselink
- HELP!Import/Export
- HELP!Remove Data Files
- HELP!Rollback segment
- HELP: Oracle 8.1.6, WIndows NT and PHP??
- HELP: Oracle running really slow.
- here's your chance to flame a newbie
- HmMM!
- Hot backups
- How can I encript some fields to get extreme security
- How can I output the content in a variable from dbms_output.put_line
- How can I use '&' in VARCHAR2 fields ?
- How did Oracle get started?
- How do I de-install oracle816
- How to access tables in the same database instance but different tablespace?
- how to change table's tablespace?
- How to execute "truncate table TTT" in procedures?
- How to export table contents in sql statements
- How to Find Data Blocks
- How to generate script for Oracle 8i on WinNt?
- how to implement a planing application
- How to insert a ' into an field
- how to link to database
- How to mask the character "&" to insert it as data??
- How to pass a table name into procedure ?
- How to return an value from Oracle to Unix in a shell scrtip.
- How to set color for the parameter form of developer/2000 report 2.5
- How to setup the PIX when use Oracle in inside.
- How to speedup sqlldr
- How to tell if a date is NULL??
- How to tune "redo log space request"?
- How to use 'Top' in oracle?
- how to use a cursor.
- How to use PL/SQL to extract records from table to a file
- How to use XML and PL/SQL?
- I need help with SQL
- If you use Forms, you need this..
- Implicit cursors and shared pool
- Importing Oracle 7.3.4 dmp file into 8i
- Inappropriate ioctl for device
- Index Limit
- Infamous snapshot too old error
- Info on Archivelog
- initial install problem
- Inserts. What about Forms?
- Installation 8i and NT ??
- Installationproblem: 8i Personal and NT
- Installing Oracle 8i Lite
- Insufficient Privileges
- Interfacing Oracle and Visual Basic
- interMedia Text Manager
- IP address
- Is Oracle "very" hard to learn?
- Is there such a thing as a "Super User" that can be created?
- jdbc and broken pipes
- JDBC question
- join question
- kicking off a report from JDBC?
- Know of any good DBA, PL/SQL web sites with examples?
- Limit the Number of Rows Returned by Select ?
- listener woes
- Load date in 'MM/DD/YYYY' format by SQL*LOADER
- Loading data into Oracle Financials
- Loading Oracle 8i on Win 95
- Loading pictures
- loadjava
- LOB replace-type function
- Long Island - Oracle/Sybase on NT and Unix clients
- Long or Clob
- Lost Database internal password
- Maintaining Uptime During Upgrades
- Memory recommendations for Oracle 8i
- Memory usage during Cursor Processing using Pro-C
- Migrating from MS SQL Server 7.0 to Oracle
- Migrating from v7.3.4 to v8.0 or v8.1 series
- Migrating Sybase Adaptive Enterprise to Oracle 8i
- Migration from designer 4.5 to 6
- Minimal config for Otracle 8i and windows nt 4 server
- MS Project 2000
- Multi-schema database query question
- multiple primary keys
- Multiple table inserts
- need buglist of Oracle 8i
- need help starting w/Oracle
- Need Help With Delete Syntax
- Need help with Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle LDAP
- Need help! Stuck trying to use interMedia text manager
- Need Oracle 8/8i Cert Study Help
- Need to recreate Schema from PL/SQL files
- net8-problem and linux
- New to Oracle
- Newbie : Where ... part ?
- Newbie Help badly needed ... ;)) !!! Oracle8 vs ODBC vs Access
- Newbie Help still needed .. ;)))
- Newbie Oracle sp question
- Newbie Question: Forms & Report 6i
- Newbie, PLEASE HELP...password woes
- NEWBIE: Database Creation
- Newbie: Deleted Datafiles!
- Newbie: finding out which tables are lock?
- NEWBIE: Limit Rows Returned by Select ?
- newbie: oracle 8 netware, connect help needed
- NEWBIE: SQL intro
- Newby XSQL Question
- NLS problem with Oracle7
- Non intrusive method to find changes to the database
- NT + Oracle = timebomb?
- NT and Unix don't mix ?
- NT4.0 + IIS + WebDb
- NT4.0 + IIS + WebDb - the Solution
- OAS 4.0.8
- OAS 4.x crashing
- OCIParamGet memory leak
- OCIStmtExecute return numbers
- OCP Statistics
- OCP: Oracle 8 vs 8i
- ODBC Call Syntax and Oracle Drivers....
- ODBC for Oracle doesn't work in WindowsME
- ODBC Servicestring ?
- ODBC Will Not Work
- OFA Standard
- Old Oracle versions
- Online Certification Questions
- Online database....how?
- Online NT Backup Script -Help
- onrsd80.exe stalling
- OoT: Suche Provider mit Oracle und Servletsunterstützung!
- Open_cursor
- ORA-00911 Error message
- ORA-01000 (Maximum open cursors exceeded)
- ORA-01461 Error for CLOB PLease help
- ORA-01461: Error Code
- ORA-12203 TNS: Unable to connect to destination
- ora-12571 Fatal error in Two-tier Server
- ORA-1555 snapshot too old
- ORA-370 error
- Oracle
- Oracle & Hardware RAID.
- Oracle - Free Training
- Oracle 8 computer-based training
- Oracle SQL using contrants to replace bind variables
- Oracle 8.1.5 standard edtition on Unixware 7
- Oracle 8.1.5 Sun Sparc Monitor tools
- Oracle 8.1.6 on Linux start
- Oracle 8.1.6 on RH 7.0
- Oracle 8.1.6 on RH 7.0 - kernel parameters
- oracle missing libs: libplsf.a, etc
- oracle 816 sun (sparc) solaris, memory problem.
- Oracle 816 svrmgrl error!
- Oracle 8i and Windows NT 4 server
- Oracle 8i DBA Instructor led Courseware on Sale on E-bay
- Oracle 8i DBA Instructor-Led Coursewares from Oracle University
- Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition Installation
- Oracle 8i lite Database
- Oracle 8i OS_ROLES Crashing
- Oracle 8i Solaris to Linux Slow Dbassist
- Oracle Advance Queue
- Oracle and LDAP
- ORACLE and Pro*C, need help!
- oracle beginners
- Oracle beginners (a bit off topic)
- Oracle Certification free sample questions
- Oracle Database App Dev
- Oracle database conversion
- Oracle Database on a notebook
- Oracle DBA Certification - Should I get it?
- Oracle Designer 6
- Oracle Developers/Database Engineer/Analysts needed-So Cal-Pre-IPO
- Oracle Discoverer Guru
- Oracle download questions
- Oracle Education
- Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Oracle Export File
- Oracle Foreignkey: really it works?
- Oracle Forms 6.0 Books
- Oracle Installer crash on Windows NT
- oracle libraries
- Oracle LINUX
- Oracle Lite Replication Insert Errors
- Oracle Objects for OLE: Connection Question.
- Oracle ODBC for RDB
- Oracle PE on Windows ME ?
- Oracle performance questions
- Oracle Pro*C and Borland C/C++
- Oracle Reports
- Oracle Reports and forms cant find my database
- Oracle running really slow.
- Oracle sequences
- Oracle Software Packager
- Oracle SQL doubts
- Oracle System Crash
- Oracle to XML conversion?
- Oracle version
- Oracle VS. SQL Server for DBAs
- Oracle with Windows ME
- Oracle, NAT, and RT311 gateway router
- Oracle/Sybase developers
- Oracle8i and sequence tables
- Oracle8i Lite
- Oracle8i OiD/Oracle LDAP
- Oracle8i personal install
- Oracle8i/ODBC error
- oran8.dll problems
- parsing oracle DUMP file?
- partitioned
- Pass different # of parameters to a procedure?
- Passing parameter from Forms 6.0 to VB program
- Password encryption package
- Path of forms
- Performance estimation
- Performance of (NOT) IN vs. (NOT) EXISTS
- Personnal Oracle 8 - Cannot create a connection service ? Help!
- PhP + Oraclei8.6.1 Linux
- Pl/SQL Certification Exam
- PL/SQL External procdures in C-cod for Oracle Server 7.3.3/7.3.4
- PL/SQL Problem
- PL/SQL Procedure
- PL/SQL query using dates and host variables - slow response
- PL/SQL Removing weekends
- Please help me on this Performance issue
- pls help to edit oracle account's login file?
- Pls Help: 8.16 & Forms/Report 6i
- Pls Help: Oracle 8.1.6 & Linux Install
- plsql question
- Point-in-time recovery in a standby db ?
- Portal 3.0 EA refuses to connect to oracle Server
- Porting 32-bit to 64-bit on Sun Solaris
- Possible to call a procedure/function via ODBC?
- Primary Key Question
- Problem by Using C++ with embedded Sql with Oracle
- Problem connecting to db
- Problem creating a database : Linux Oracle EE 8.1.6
- Problem creating a database : Linux Oracle EE 8.1.6 -- Red Hat 7.0
- problem doing a select with asp pages
- Problem getting started with Oracle Lite
- Problem Install Oracle 8i in Sco UnixWare
- problem with ampreson(&)
- Problem with OAS 4.0.8
- PROBLEM: Oracle and Threads in Java
- Problems after WebDb site import
- Problems installing 8.1.6 on win98 SE
- Problems installing 8i on NT4
- Problems setting up a second oracle (8.1.5) instance on solaris 2.7
- Procedure Documentation
- procedures and plans
- Provia sofrware viaware 5.3
- Q: iAS the right choice?
- Q: OAS 4.0
- Query Syntax Question...
- Question about pl/sql blocks
- question on cold backup(in archive mode)
- Question on DBAs
- Question on Primary Keys
- Questions, Impact analysis software
- Quick, I need a good Oracle Bk
- Random Number Generator for use in Oracle?
- Reading 100 rows at a time...
- Recommended RAM for RH6.2 w/Oracle Enterprise 8i ??
- Recovering from a corrupt DBF file
- recovery question: ORA-00308
- RedHat 6.2 + Oracle 8.1.6 +jre 1.6
- RedHat 7.0 AND Oracle8EE Incompatible??
- RedHat6.1, 8.1.6, dbassist problem
- Reference to uninitialized composite error
- Regarding CLOB data type
- Relational Database course manual available
- Removing blank spaces from a column ?
- removing oracle services under nt 2000
- Rep-3300 Fatal Error in the tool kit. UI-9 This function call is out of context.
- Report
- Report Generation: Excel or Oracle?
- Resource temporarily unavailable
- ressources of desc
- Retrieving only a part of a query - help!
- Return result set from stored procedure, possible ?
- return value from sqlplus called from korn shell script
- Returning Recordset with Oracle SP
- Rollback segments errors
- Roundtrips for OCIStmtExecute
- running sqlplus out of dos prompt
- Savant Enterprise key
- Saving the config info of the whole oracle on my NT box?
- Script question: SQL & PL/SQL variables
- search a string in a blob
- search for 's string in database
- select distinct does not work on Oracle 8i
- Serialize access to tables
- Server Path Question?
- Server tracing
- SET ROLE command and FORMS
- single command out of dos prompt
- Snooping the SQL issued by a client app
- sp1.msb file
- space, performace
- Speed tuning...
- Spell Checker -- has anyone used Sentry by Wintertree??
- SQL e-mail command
- SQL help
- SQL Plus - Connection Problem
- SQL problem
- SQL Server 7/2000 vs Oracle 8i
- SQL Server vs Oracle - help
- SQL Update command
- SQL*Loader for Windows9x?
- SQL*Plus question (Where am I)
- SQL*XL (was oraxcel) and Oracle - Compile error
- sqlldr date data
- sqllib APIs
- SQLLOADER: 255 CHAR limit
- sqlserver to oracle
- Starting Oracle in solaris in command line
- stored procedure and a list of values
- Stored Procedure to rename (replace) PK name?
- storing/displaying PDF in Oracle 8i
- stty: Inappropriate ioctl for device
- sysdate
- Table Locked by Who
- table normalization?
- Telecom-database with CDR's
- Temp tables??
- Temporary tables
- Thanks for nothing!!!
- The selling of downloads on auction sites!
- The Upgrade from to
- time of select
- TNS Listener Error
- tns problem on sunos5.7
- tnsping, oracle and the oracle listener process
- To whom it may concern.
- Toad Freeware Version?
- Tool Needed - documenting hundreds of stored procedures
- Transfer data from Access to Oracle
- Transparent gateway for MS SQLServer
- Trigger help for Oracel newbie
- Trigger Newbie
- Triggers Newbie
- Trouble calling Stored Procedures from SQL*Plus! Please help!
- Troubleshooting slow logins
- update based on join
- update with a join
- Urgent : ORACLE AND VBA6.0
- URGENT! Batch Inserts
- Urgent: PL/SQL with table()-Operator
- US-OH-Cleveland:Oracle DBA
- Use 1/5 primary key from a table as FK of another table...
- Using Count in SQL against a join...
- Using dynamic SQL in Oracle 8i
- Using Oracle 8 with IIS4.0 Log Files
- using SPOOL in sqlplus
- Using Sqlplus instead of Svrmgrl
- v$session.sid
- Verifiying userid/password against database in PL/SQL
- Veritas FS/Volmgr pricing
- Very useful parameter - or did I dream it?
- view vs table and a developer w/o a dba
- webDB 2.0 to web portal 3.0 beta
- WebDB 2.2 on Windows 2000
- Webdb and dates ?
- What course to be Financials DBA?
- What cursors are open?
- what does the +0 do ?
- What does this mean?
- What Grants/Privs to give to developers/users???
- What is error ORA-12560
- what user privileges do I need to create the repository
- What Will Happen for Constraint Violation After Direct Path Load
- where 1=2 clause
- where is enterprise manager on oracle8i
- Where is OEM client 2.2?
- Which Parameter file
- Will pay for instructions!
- Windows Millennium
- XSQL + data validation...
- Last message date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 19:53:35 CST
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 16:43:50 CST