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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> -> Re: Memory recommendations for Oracle 8i
First off, 512Mb for NT and 1Gb for Solaris is off the wall.
Considerations that detirmine memory:
Alot of reporting being done? (Memory sorts instead of disk sorts) Alot of procedures? (Pinning procedures in memory) How many instances on the database (Each instance takes memory for shared pool, block buffers, and processes) How large is block buffers/shared pool going to do be Alot of java? Java has a seperate pool of memory to consider Size of PL/SQL / Java procedures? Are they mostly going to be pinned? How many users? Each users uses 1Mb min to as much as 30Mb or more Development box? Staging box? Production Box? Using shared dispatchers or dedicated processes?
I believe both Solaris and NT recommend 128Mb to run oracle.
64Mb(OS) + 16MbxInstances + Shared Pool + Large Pool + Java Pool + Block Buffers + Shared Pool + Pinned Procedures + 1-30Mb+ / user + many other factors.
Out of this, there is very little that is really OS concern. Of course you have hardware limitation between how much memory UNIX and how much NT can handle, but both of them are generally at least able to handle 4Gb right now. So really those estimates are rather null in void when it comes down to what really detirmines this. And I left a bit of stuff out.
In article <>, wrote:
> The installation guides all give minimum memory recommendations for a
> server running Oracle 8i, but what is missing is the recommendations
> truely efficient operation.
> I generally recommend at least 512M for WinNT systems and 1G for
> systems. Am I off base? Does anyone else have any ideas of this?
-- Christopher R. Spence OCP, MCP, MCSE, A+, RAPTOR, CNA Sent via Before you buy.Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 14:35:36 CDT
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