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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> -> Re: Oracle beginners (a bit off topic)
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Of course men have done horrible things in
the name of religion,
but please don't blame Christianity for those who have used it as a means to
harm and persecute others.
Pure Christianity is still based upon loving God and one's neighbor - I am
much kinder than I used to be -
yet we will always have those who will use a good thing for evil. I don't
expect to convert anyone here,
actually I'm interested in Oracle.
Brad Strong
"Norman Dunbar" <> wrote in message
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Strong []
> >> Please, don't refer to a book written by technoids as a "Holy
Manual", there
> >> is one valid Holy Book on the planet and it is the Bible.
> This surely applies only to Christians. Agnostics, Muslims, etc don't
> regard the bible as anything other than blasphemy against *their*
> personal beliefs. To me, the bible is just another book, albeit
> (probably) the best selling book on the planet, but just a book. (You of
> course have a totally different view, and are entitled to it.)
> If your religion is Oracle (silly example) then the manuals *could* be
> referred to as Holy to you only, but not to others of differing beliefs.
> The one thing I find repulsive about religion is it incessant
> need/want/desire to be 'the only' religion forsaking all other beliefs.
> Where, for example, does it say in the bible that 'thou shalt go forth
> and murder the non-Christians' as was prevalent during the Crusades etc.
> Other holy books have a similar non-appearance of such rules (I am told
> by people better informed than me) but still we see religious fighting
> all over the world.
> As Frank Zappa once said, religion has killed more people than it has
> saved.
> Nice to see someone stick up for their religious beliefs though.
> Sincere regards, Norman.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Norman Dunbar EMail:
> Technical Consultant Phone: 0113 289 6265
> Lynx Financial Systems Ltd. Fax: 0113 201 7265
> URL:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
Received on Thu Oct 12 2000 - 10:38:17 CDT
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