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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> -> Re: Old Oracle versions
Yes, it is definitely fairly easy to do. We have done that with a Win95/98 box that runs our own code. We just send the queries and other SQL commands over the network and send the replies in the same manner.
In our DOS case, this won't work. The DOS system is another companys computer that runs a very custom operation. (It makes sure that your new vehicle actually drives straight when the wheel's straight.) We had them insert the SQL statements into the code, so it is written to use SQL and SQL*Net. Unless we have them re-write their code again, or unless we make an SQL*Net compatible driver for Oracle 8, I can't see a method that will allow us to update the systems.
Terry Steyaert
In article <>, wrote:
> Terry Steyaert wrote:
> > We have several old systems running on Interactive Unix.
> > Several of the systems are impossible to replace with new systems
> > because they communicate to other DOS PC's, and Oracle doesn't have
> > method to communicate with a DOS PC from 8.0 or 8.1. Without a DOS
> > interface to SQL*Net, we can't change out the systems from
> > field.
> Actually, the problem is easier to fix then you might think. It does
> a lot of custom code but I bet I could have it working in a couple
weeks if
> I had a chance.
> Just off the top of my head the approach I would write a daemon (this
> assumes UNIX of course, but similar things could be done in Windows).
> daemon would open a socket connection to the other PC and pass
requests and
> receive responses. On the PC side another process would receive the
> and pass back the responses. It does mean bypassing sqlnet, but
sqlnet is
> really only just a communications protocol and isn't a strict
> for communicating with another system.
> I won't claim that it is trivial to write an interface without
sqlnet, but
> it is possible and there are a lot of people who know how to do it -
it just
> depends on how much you have to spend to get the right help.
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Before you buy.
Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 06:41:29 CDT
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