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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> -> RE: Urgent : ORACLE AND VBA6.0
You must hace Oracle - Objects installed in your PC. It is in all Oracle
CD´s and in the web.
There are a lot of code to talk to MicroStation. Forget it.
Dim point As Object
Dim point1 As Object
Set point = msApp.mbepoint
Set point1 = msApp.mbepoint
Dim view%, status%
Dim Color As Integer
Dim Style As Integer
Dim Weight As Integer
Dim Angle As Integer
'Meto datos en la base de datos:
ID_UI = ID_UI + 1
OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("Insert into UIS (TIPO_A, TIPO_O, TIPO_N, TIPO_B, NODO, ID_TABLA) values (" & txtA.Text & ", " & txtO.Text & ", " & txtN.Text & ", " & txtB.Text & ", " & CStr(Nodo) & "," & ID_UI & ")")
'Muestra mesajes de mst
msApp.MbeState.errorMessages = 1
msApp.MbeState.messages = 1
Exit Sub
Call Error(" en el procedimiento : cmdCaja_Click Módulo: frmTablas")
End Sub
Private Sub form_load()
Dim point As Object
Dim point1 As Object
Set msApp = CreateObject("MicroStation.Application")
Set point = msApp.mbepoint
Set point1 = msApp.mbepoint
Dim newScale As Object
Set newScale = msApp.mbepoint
Set DGN = msApp.activedocument
PuedeDesh = False
'Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
'Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("gal", "siren28r/siren28r", 0&)
Set OraSession = Nothing
Set OraDatabase = Nothing
Dim Usuario As String, Contraseña As String, Instancia As String
Usuario = oracleUSER
Contraseña = USERPASSWD
If Usuario = "" Or Contraseña = "" Or Instancia = "" Then
MsgBox ("Fichero ini incorrecto") End
'MsgBox ("Conexion correcta")
BarraHerramientas.BarraConexion.BackColor = &HFF00&
Nodo = Left(DGN.Name, Len(DGN.Name) - 4)
Exit Sub
Call Error(" en el procedimiento : Form_load Módulo: frmTablas")
End Sub
Brice.Butzerin <> escribió en el mensaje de
noticias 8s27s4$clf$
> Hello
> My question is : How to write in a table from Oracle with VBA?. It is
> compatible? What is the instruction for this? What DLL must I use for it?
> Must I use a instruction SQLserveur
> Thanks
> > > >Received on Wed Oct 11 2000 - 13:02:37 CDT
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