- 10046 L12 - Very long ela for 'SQL*Net message from client'?
- 11gR2 rman compression algorithms
- 12c GI and 11gR2 Databases
- 12c pluggable database shared SGA question
- ADMINISTRIVIA: Posting privilege and other emails to oracle-l-admins...
- Automatic startup / shutdow Oracle 12c
- Backups versus snapshots
- Base table for v_$session ?
- Baseline usage?
- buffer advisor
- buffer advisor (has become: should there be a private sql area?)
- Change VIP name and IP
- Chicago Oracle Users Group - Breakfast with Tom Kyte Meeting on 10/8/2014
- Concurrent Update Design
- course for DBAs in bureaucracies?
- Database environment change management
- DataGuard with LGWR ASYNC or even ARCH
- Dataware house DB's Cross Platfarm migration
- DCD post - What we learned...
- Definition of Top Class DBA
- delete one tablespace from all backups
- Doubt regarding sequence of trigger execution
- encrypted filesystems for database files
- expdp error - Not Even Sure Where to Look
- expdp error - Not Even Sure Where to Look - Found It
- Experience with IBM AIX AME + Oracle?
- expired passwords
- Failover to DG physical standby
- Flash or SSD for MultiBlock Reads
- FRA size continuously filling up
- FTS waiting on db file sequential reads?
- Fwd: 12c GI and 11gR2 Databases
- how to drop all sql plan baselines
- Impact of auto-adjustment of Dynamic Sampling : Note 1102413.1
- Improving query with implicit type conversion
- KFOD-00311 with OUI and 11g GI Install
- Larry Ellison is stepping down as Oracle's CEO
- LGWR switching statistic
- Linux fs.aio-max-nr Leak?
- Make enterprise edition behave like standard edition
- Maximum number of Oracle instances on Windows
- merge and ORA-30926
- Monitoring of available PGA space
- MS SQL Server vs Oracle, MySQL or MongoDB
- Multitenant : Ask the Experts Session at OOW 2014
- Need help converting rows to columns
- ntp check fails during Install
- nutanix
- Oaktable World at Oracle World
- odd output from ASH query in 10g
- OLAP database planning and configuration best practice
- Only Two Weeks Remain for 2015 Abstract Submission
- Optimized redo log access
- orachk
- Oracle Store strange behaviour
- oradim and services
- OT: Chicago Oracle Users Group Meeting with Tom Kyte
- OVM clock drift
- Parallel Query and Group by on SYSTIMESTAMP
- patching ASM PSU -- single instance
- Problem with cluster_database parameter
- RAC Attack will be at Oracle Open World 2014 (Sunday 9/28/2014)
- Reclaim Tablespace after drop with purge options
- Recover database calls for backup pieces far earlier than the level 0 backup
- redo per second (size)on exadata ?
- Replacement for CDC (Change Data Capture)
- rman
- rman catalog
- RMAN report need backup unexpected results
- Segments by Logical Reads-AWR
- SEMI-OT: bash vulnerability on Oracle Linux
- SEMI-OT: Reinstall DB software as a fix?
- serial#, last_call_et for long running queries
- Setting maximum size of a blob data type
- silent install of 12c & creation of test database
- Sizing Temporary Tablespace 11gr2 on Linux
- Sort_area_size ora-0068
- SOX Reporting Requirement
- Standard Edition Recycle Bin
- Streams and realtime apply
- sysaux purge problems
- Tablespace AUTOEXTEND ON
- top oracle server process not in v$process.spid
- unlucky
- update user
- User equiv and "oracle" lockdown
- using ASH to track down library cache lock contention
- what are null sql_id sqls doing
- Woraround A: for performance problem on view joining several tables
- Last message date: Tue Sep 30 2014 - 21:00:30 CEST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 30 2014 - 21:25:03 CEST