RE: oradim and services

From: Ruel, Chris <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 14:53:33 +0000
Message-ID: <>

This one looks to give a pretty high level overview:

My take?

Oradim (I believe is short for Oracle Database Instance Manager) It is a windows only utility. It sort of replaces the dbstart and dbshut scripts (as well as oratab) found on the *nix offerings.

You can call it to start/stop a database. Change start stop behavior (nomount, mount, spfile, etc.) Can set it to autostart the DB when the service starts.

On Windows, the database runs inside a service. So, when the database is created, you have to have a service container in which it resides. If you were creating a database manually on Windows (without DBCA) one of your first steps is to create the service using oradim. Once the service is created and started, you can start the Oracle instance in nomount to proceed with a "create database" statement. It might be a worthwhile exercise to run through the DBCA, then, create the scripts at the end. You can look through those scripts and see where oradim is utilized.

I have found that once you use oradim to create the instance and set its operational parameters (start mode, spfile, etc.), I never really have to touch it. From there on out, you can just start/stop the instance with the service (oracleserviceSID). An example of where I might use it would be if I were troubleshooting, patching, recovering, etc. and you wanted to override the stored parameters.

Lastly, when dropping a database on Windows, one of the last steps after issuing the drop database command is to run oradim one last time to remove the service for total cleanup...unless you plan on recreating the database...then, you could in theory just re-use it if the SID will be the same.

I will say that my RAC experience is almost totally on a Unix platform so I am not sure about the intricacies of oradim on a Windows RAC environment. I suspect they are similar but someone else will have to expound on that.


Chris Ruel * Oracle Database Administrator * Desk:317.759.2172 * Cell 317.523.8482

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of August Spier Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 6:32 PM To:
Subject: oradim and services

I hate to admit, but I don't understand services and how oradim works. Is there a tutorial somewhere I can switch?

Gus Spier

540 454 3074

>> -- Understand services and how oradim works.
>> Seth Miller

> --

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