Re: Definition of Top Class DBA
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:43:57 -0700
Message-ID: <>
I agree. Versions change, functionality changes and one needs to keep abreast of new features and their use. Simply because you were good on Oracle 7 doesn't mean you're still as good with Oracle 11.2. A "Senior DBA", to me, indicates that person is able, willing and actively working to improve their knowledge. Simple longevity won't do yet there are those in the industry who see "Senior DBA" as a final destination, not a launching pad for additional education to maintain that level of ability. I would not want a doctor who hasn't taken the time or effort to learn new advances in treatment. Yet it seems employers are satisfied with maintaining the 'status quo' with respect to DBAs. Maybe it's a lack of awareness on the employers part of how complex the job can be.
"Senior DBA" isn't a responsibility, it would appear, it's more like a 'status symbol'. I think having that title should be a 'call to acftion', a reason to continue one's education rather than a 'final destination'. Hopefully we can change that some day.
My two cents.
David Fitzjarrell
Principal author, "Oracle Exadata Survival Guide"
On Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:12 PM, "Mckay-dirden, Michael (Student)" <> wrote:
Yeah I've noticed the same. There's a DBA I know with 12+ years "experience" but I still rate him as being junior level although his position is obviously Senior DBA now.
I think a problem with it is that most/all companies almost never demote anyone. The worst that ever happens is a stagnant salary or a job role change but not going from "Senior DBA" to "DBA" with an appropriate pay cut. I think if such demotions were more easily enforced then people would be less likely to rest on their laurels for so long.
From: <> on behalf of Iggy Fernandez <>
Sent: 11 September 2014 23:00
To: Kumar Madduri
Subject: RE: Definition of Top Class DBA
The problem is that everyone in the team is already billed as a "senior DBA" after one or two years on the job because (understandably) no one is satisfied with the "junior DBA" or "DBA" title. Therefore we need inflated titles like "top DBA" or "DBA architect" but all they really mean is "truly senior DBA" :-)
Kindest regards,
Senior DBA
"Been there. Done that."
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:07:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Definition of Top Class DBA From:
This has been a great discussion and good learning. But the original reason why I asked was, I kind of get upset when even technical DBAs/technical managers say they need Top DBAs. That too me is kind of vague. You could be Top DBA where you are but not Top DBA at 'xyz corp'. So I would rather post for a job with the skills I am looking for rather than putting unneccesaary adjectives. The guy/gal who thinks they are 'Top DBAs' usually post these postings :) (other than HR guys of course and I dont blame them because they dont have expertise).
-- on Fri Sep 12 2014 - 17:43:57 CEST