Make enterprise edition behave like standard edition
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:48:35 +0200
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Hello all,
I need to test (and tune) some queries that are going to be used on an Oracle 11.2 Standard Edition.
However, I only have an Enterprise Edition available and don't want to install SE just for this.
I'm not talking about DDL (e.g. partitioning, creating bitmap indexes etc) or access to views from e.g. the diagnostic pack.
I'm concerned about the optimizer which even for some simple statements uses different plans on EE than on SE.
Is there some (maybe even undocumented) parameter that makes the Optimizer skip all EE related optimizations?
One example would be the use of "BITMAP OR" or "BITMAP CONVERSION FROM ROWIDS" to combine multiple indexes from the same table (for that specific optimization I could not even find a hint to disable it).
If I need to use several hints for each query that would be OK as well (although I'd prefer a more general setting).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
-- on Thu Sep 11 2014 - 08:48:35 CEST