RE: Only Two Weeks Remain for 2015 Abstract Submission

From: Iggy Fernandez <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:15:25 -0700
Message-ID: <BLU179-W32372171E91782BE5FFF5CEBB40_at_phx.gbl>

My favorite conference, because RMOUG is so very good to speakers. RMOUG makes it a point to offer all out-of-town speakers a ride from and to the airport. Yes, I can afford a taxi but it feels good to be welcomed by a smiling face. Also, RMOUG does not threaten speakers with cancellation of their registration if they don't submit white papers and PowerPoint presentations though you do get polite reminders. Also, RMOUG does not impose a fine of $100 on speakers if they don't stay in the conference hotel (as one major conference did to me one time and I never went back). Also, you actually have a shot at being accepted at RMOUG unlike a certain very prestigious conference where most of the slots go to the same speakers every year. P.S. Also, RMOUG has sit-down lunches, not box-lunches. At one major conference I attended this year, the sandwiches and apples were stale from having sat in a refrigerator for too long.
Received on Fri Sep 19 2014 - 03:15:25 CEST

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