Re: User equiv and "oracle" lockdown
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 10:09:52 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 23/09/2014 09:27, Niall Litchfield wrote:
> I guess I'm struggling to understand what the issue is here. User
> equivalence or passwordless ssh is required for a supported
> installation. Arguing about what may or may not break is surely
> beside the point.
I completely agree with Niall. In my opinion, if the software vendor is asking you to do something and the security team disagrees, they should ask the vendor (Oracle), not you, to fix it.
> On 22 Sep 2014 20:29, "Herring, David" <
> <>> wrote:
> Does anyone know all areas where user equivalency for the account
> "oracle" is necessary in a RAC system, let's say 11g and above on
> Linux RH?
> The reason I ask is that our security team is now refusing to have
> this set up and even though I passed snipets from Oracle doc which
> states "it must be set", they're balking and sending snipets from
> RedHat doc saying that's unwise.
> Without user equiv for "oracle" I believe the following will
> break/have issues:
> * Proper management agent monitoring. The agent needs to know
> it's a RAC to properly monitor the configuration. I don't have
> specific examples, just oddity with agent behavior when user equiv
> isn't set properly.
I'm sure that opatch uses ssh to verify the inventory on the remote nodes for all the software (EM agents, GI and DB).
> * All "cluvfy" uses will fail. Most are interactive uses but the
> management agent uses it too for cluster verification. So in a
> way almost all our ability to validate the cluster will be
> unavailable.
From onward, cluvfy runs at a regular basis (i.e. non interactive usage),check the schedule with srvctl config cvu. I suppose that it will fill your GI alert log with errors, if you deconfigure ssh passwordless access.
> * All installs, patches, upgrades will fail or least be a complete
> hack. Rolling patch application would never be possible, I assume.
> I know the cluster will still work without user equiv as I've run
> into enough existing systems where the DBA didn't do it properly
> or didn't properly add new nodes. Is there anything else that
> would break/be a major pain? Since documentation proof isn't
> enough I need to explain in (my) painful detail of why we need it.
> Dave Herring
> --
-- on Tue Sep 23 2014 - 10:09:52 CEST