Re: Standard Edition Recycle Bin
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:16:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
if I read it correctly, "Differences Between Enterprise, Standard and Standard One Editions on Oracle 11.2 (Doc ID 1084132.1)" doesn't mention *Flashback drop* as an enterprise only feature. It does indicate *Flashback table*, but that's a different feature:
There's also How To Delete/Purge Recyclebin or DBA_RECYCLBIN For Objects Older Than x Days/minutes (Doc ID 1596147.1) that applies to Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later ...
On 12/09/2014 15:59, Charlotte Hammond (Redacted sender for DMARC) wrote:
> Ah, thank you, well that would be great if that's the case! Are you
> able to point to some docs which distinguish between the two?
> Thanks!
> Charlotte
> On Friday, September 12, 2014 2:14 PM, Freek D'Hooge
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think "flashback table" and "flashback table to before drop" are 2
> different licensing things.
> Flashback table will use the data from the undo tablespaces, while
> "flashback table to before drop" is just flipping a status flag.
> Similar statements, entirely different working
> Regards,
> Freek
> On vr, 2014-09-12 at 03:34 -0700, Charlotte Hammond wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just a quick sanity check :- is there any point in leaving the
>> recycle bin enabled (the default) in SE/SE1? Since Flashback Table
>> is not available in SE I don't see any point.
>> Hmm, I had thought that we were reasonably safe from accidentally
>> using un-licenced features in SE and was expecting ORA-00439: feature
>> not enabled for flashback table (rather than it actually working).
>> I wish Oracle wouldn't enable stuff by default you can't actually use
>> (particularly in SE when you don't even get the option to pay to use
>> it). Fortunately this DB wasn't in commission yet, so I can call it
>> evaluation(!), and go and rebuild it again without the recycle bin.....
>> Charlotte
-- on Fri Sep 12 2014 - 16:16:56 CEST