Re: Standard Edition Recycle Bin
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:37:51 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Ouch - my head hurts now! If I un-drop a table using "FLASHBACK TABLE...TO BEFORE DROP" I'm not using "FLASHBACK TABLE" even though that's the first two words in the command? I see what you mean (i.e. I'm not using Flashback PITR) but I that's just plain confusing! The syntax for both types of FLASHBACK TABLE appears on the same page/diagram in the SQL manual so it looks like different aspects of the same feature.
On Friday, September 12, 2014 3:16 PM, "Radoulov, Dimitre" <> wrote:
if I read it correctly, "Differences Between Enterprise, Standard
and Standard One Editions on Oracle 11.2 (Doc ID 1084132.1)" doesn't
*Flashback drop* as an enterprise only feature. It does indicate
*Flashback table*, but that's a different feature:
There's also How To Delete/Purge Recyclebin or DBA_RECYCLBIN For
Objects Older Than x Days/minutes (Doc ID 1596147.1) that applies to Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later ...
On 12/09/2014 15:59, Charlotte Hammond (Redacted sender for DMARC) wrote:
Ah, thank you, well that would be great if that's the case! Are you able to point to some docs which distinguish between the two?
>On Friday, September 12, 2014 2:14 PM, Freek D'Hooge <> wrote:
>I think "flashback table" and "flashback table to
before drop" are 2 different licensing things.
>Flashback table will use the data from the undo
tablespaces, while "flashback table to before drop" is just flipping a status flag.
>Similar statements, entirely different working
>On vr, 2014-09-12 at 03:34 -0700, Charlotte Hammond
>Hi All,
>Just a quick sanity check :- is there any point in leaving the recycle bin enabled (the default) in SE/SE1? Since Flashback Table is not available in SE I don't see any point.
>Hmm, I had thought that we were reasonably safe from accidentally using un-licenced features in SE and was expecting ORA-00439: feature not enabled for flashback table (rather than it actually working). I wish Oracle wouldn't enable stuff by default you can't actually use (particularly in SE when you don't even get the option to pay to use it). Fortunately this DB wasn't in commission yet, so I can call it evaluation(!), and go and rebuild it again without the recycle bin.....
-- on Fri Sep 12 2014 - 16:37:51 CEST