Re: SEMI-OT: Reinstall DB software as a fix?

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 08:36:15 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

>> Has anyone ever had to reinstall Oracle due to severe issues like this?
>> Granted, I've purposely not run Oracle on Windows due to the mysterious
>> entropy that seems to plague software on all versions of Winders I've had
>> to
>> deal with.

It appears that the reinstall worked, but I can't help thinking that there's a controller or disk issue, as that would explain the DB issues as well as corrupted software.

And thanks Jeremiah for the link! Brent seems to be one of those guys on the SQueaL Server side that is inline with what I've come to expect from top notch Oracle folk.

Hopefully I can get back to tending to my Oracle DBs soon. Thanks all for letting me vent.


Received on Thu Sep 25 2014 - 15:36:15 CEST

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