FW: Flash or SSD for MultiBlock Reads

From: Mark W. Farnham <mwf_at_rsiz.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:09:05 -0400
Message-ID: <2d9d01cfcdd2$54c29be0$fe47d3a0$_at_rsiz.com>

forgot the list.  

From: Mark W. Farnham [mailto:mwf_at_rsiz.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 12:44 AM To: 'Hemant-K.Chitale_at_sc.com'
Subject: RE: Flash or SSD for MultiBlock Reads  

For direct single block reads you have a chance to have a seek plus read for each single block read. For direct multiblock reads when the size is reasonably matched to the disk you probably get only 1 or 2 seeks (2 when you hit a boundary in the middle of the read).  

Since seeking is the biggest advantage of SSD over spinning rust, that means the advantage of SSD is likely maximized for single block reads.  

For writes it is complicated by the page write size, but we're only talking about reads here, right? On file systems you get some reduction in seeks because there is probably prospective next block buffering into the file system cache (but you pay for that overall by the move from cache to cache, which is why folks like direct, although you probably don't dodge all levels of cache on a modern disk farm.)  

But marginally for most workloads the advantage of SSD is diminished a bit for multiblock reads because there are fewer seeks per volume of data moved. For parallel you've got to tell us how fat your communications pipes are. You can probably multi-read from SSD faster than your channels can absorb and cpus can process, so there is a ceiling to the advantage of ssd in the parallel model.  

Kevin Closson has been publishing some "holy cow that is fast" measurements of a certain combination of hardware kit. With the right configuration of the stuff he is using, it appears data loading is gated on cpu speed. (We always have some pacing resource. When it is memory movement or cpu, that is pretty much as fast as it can get).  


From: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org] On Behalf Of Chitale, Hemant K
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:24 PM To: ORACLE-L
Subject: Flash or SSD for MultiBlock Reads  

Are there any "thumb-rules" or "guidances" about the performance improvement of Flash / SSD over rotating disks when serving multiblock reads and/or parallel query full-table-scans ?

That is, is the performance gain of Flash / SSD over rotating disks the same or better or worse when doing multiblock reads versus when doing single block reads.

Hemant K Chitale

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Received on Thu Sep 11 2014 - 17:09:05 CEST

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