- 10.2 to 11.2
- Active DATA GUARD 11g
- adaptive cursor sharing and bind peeking
- add dummy rows
- alert log retention
- Anyone Running Database on T4?
- Appliances
- Are hash sub-partitions balanced?
- ASM 2 ASM backup copy for RMAN duplicate
- ASSM and tablespace fragmentation in a table that adds 140,140
- ASSM and tablespace fragmentation in a table that adds 140,140 partitions/subpartitions per year
- Beginner Data Architecture books or websites
- Better way (more efficient) to find existance of row
- Chained row analysis results and questions
- Change in statement level read-consistent behaviour with _ae (edition based redefintion) dictionary views
- Checking of who is logging into the database
- Data Guard Configuration
- database on windows
- Database upgrade hacking
- deadlock between a partition lock and an insert
- Designing a DBA interview process to validly measure candidate abilities.
- Difference in Execution Plan - Same Environment, Same SQL
- Doubt about Oracle Spatial - out of bounds
- EM 12C host monitoring
- error from opatch installing Apr 2013 PSU
- Excessive disk reads, hash join, parallel, Insert as select
- expdp - audit
- export from oracle into hadoop?
- Fwd:
- Fwd: oracle solaris sparc 64 to exadata linux x86-64 conversion
- Fwd: Question on Oracle EBS R12
- Good news: you can have lots of bind variables.
- Grid control rman backup not deleting old backups or archive logs
- Grid Start options in Data Guard Setup
- Hash Partition in OLTP with VPD
- How to know the stats is corrupted
- Hugepages question with multiple instances on 1 host
- Informatica IDR
- Is there any equivalent tool similar to Designer?
- Java versions on Oracle EBS 12.1.3
- LOB Operation and SQL*Net Message From Client and cursor #0
- Lock Table Oddity
- Lockdown database privs question
- Manually changing existing histograms
- multi-tenancy
- N/A local indexes in 11g?
- Need insight for RMAN tape backup troubleshooting
- OGG Switch Over to Surviving Node
- On-lining ASM Disk Groups
- Optimal SQL
- Oracle /MySQL DBA Needed in San Francisco area..Great Company! Referrals Welcome.
- Oracle 11gR2 on AIX PowerHA 7.1
- Oracle and Excel
- Oracle DBA interview
- Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation issue
- Oracle HTTP Server / Restricted-Use License Question
- Oracle on VMware licensing
- oracle solaris sparc 64 to exadata linux x86-64 conversion
- OT: IE Plugin For Chrome/Firefox (For Grid etc)
- OT: NoCOUG spring conference and NoCOUG Journal
- OT: test
- OT: Twelve good reasons NOT to attend the NoCOUG conference tomorrow
- parallel degree question
- partitiong on timestamp with local timezone data type
- Partitioning in the Oracle EBS
- Partly OT - Database Programming textbook
- Performance with SCAN listener in 11g RAC
- Prevent ASM from using any hugepages
- providing DB hardware specs(CPU requirements) for production
- Puzzling through RAC load balancing on a service
- Question on Oracle EBS R12
- R: Java versions on Oracle EBS 12.1.3
- rebuilding text index
- renaming an instance
- result cache corruption
- Sangam13 .. Call for papers
- Serious listener problem - can anyone help?
- sessions not switching to new standby after switchover (data guard)
- setting of audit_trail initialization parameter
- Some more hugepages questions/thoughts
- SPLUNK http://www.splunk.com/
- SQL Trace at concurrent program level
- SQL*Net message from Client vs SQL*Net message from Client [idle]
- Storing old stats
- Tablespace_name is NULL in DBA_INDEXES(but not partitioned)
- Taking advantage of SSD Capabilities when Smart Flash Cache isn't an option?
- TEMP tablespace restricted to schemas
- the joy of version numbers
- time estimate for ASM fast mirror resync?
- V_$DIAG views pointing to a different ADR_HOME
- Last message date: Fri May 31 2013 - 23:33:23 CEST
- Archived on: Fri May 31 2013 - 23:45:03 CEST