Manually changing existing histograms
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 14:18:40 +0200
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Dear list,
how can I manually add a bucket to an existing Frequency Based histogram?
I have a FB histogram that has buckets for STATUS=100,99 and 40. But sometimes the table has thousands of rows with STATUS=0 - but never when I collect stats. Thus, the plans respectively the access paths are nonsense for cases in which the cardinality of STATUS=0 would change the way of life. On the other hand, when there's no STATUS=0 row in the table, the existence of this status in the histogram would not hurt me. FYI, I'm talking about very fast queries here, <0.1 secons is the norm.
Thanks a lot in advance
Martin Klier
Usn's IT Blog for Linux, Oracle, Asterisk
Received on Mon May 13 2013 - 14:18:40 CEST