RE: OT: Twelve good reasons NOT to attend the NoCOUG conference tomorrow
Date: Thu, 23 May 2013 10:02:41 -0700
Message-ID: <BLU165-W2560E5E1B65EE7276416BDEBAA0_at_phx.gbl>
The posting was the content of an email that was sent to the NoCOUG contact list most of whom are local. It always disconcerts me that participation is so low compared to the sheer number of Oracle professionals in this area. The questions in my mind are: How much value is there in participating in the local Oracle users group whether that be Northern California or North Carolina? Could we be doing a better job in the areas of topics, speakers, locations, cost, food, website, service, etc. And, how do we contact more people who might want to participate? Iggy
> Reason # 13 and #14
> #13 - It is too expensive to travel from Toronto to California and IT
> travel budgets are under scrutiny and NoCOUG can't approve our travel :)
> #14 - This might start a debate .... good people who would appreciate and
> understand and can *apply* what is learned at NoCOUG are choosing not to be
> Oracle DBAs (and may be Developers?) or those who are already in the field
> are choosing not to invest lots of time and efforts to keep on the cutting
> edge because they know the return on investment from this career path is
> low and is diminishing.The organizations are not willing to pay well unless
> you are a well recognized expert like Jonathan Lewis because they know that
> after paying big bucks they just might get someone like (I am afraid to
> write the name here but you know!). To be fair to the organizations, with
> latest versions of Oracle database, storage technologies and tools there is
> only need of 1 (expert) : 5 ("normal") DBA (or may be even 10)?. In
> Toronto, from where I am, lots of my good DBA friends have changed careers
> or graduated to managerial role where career path is progressive. The only
> left behind are those who can't switch roles or who love technology for the
> sake of technology. I would like to hear more what others have to say.
-- on Thu May 23 2013 - 19:02:41 CEST