SQL Trace at concurrent program level
From: Bala Krishna <krishna000_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 16:01:02 +0530
Message-ID: <CAG+FZaiaqECTpLEVVm=khuVLg0B7v0g6PnbRs1jmgsf4ZWajeg_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hi All,
Our application delvelopers have enabled a sql trace at concurrent program level.I've found the session of that and disabled a sql trace for that session at the backend using dbms_system pkg but in vian although i have disabled the treace but i could see that its still generating a trace for that session ..
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 16:01:02 +0530
Message-ID: <CAG+FZaiaqECTpLEVVm=khuVLg0B7v0g6PnbRs1jmgsf4ZWajeg_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hi All,
Our application delvelopers have enabled a sql trace at concurrent program level.I've found the session of that and disabled a sql trace for that session at the backend using dbms_system pkg but in vian although i have disabled the treace but i could see that its still generating a trace for that session ..
Any idea's pleaes appreicated ?
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Thu May 02 2013 - 12:31:02 CEST